Chapter 8

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Louis' shift started at 6:30 this morning so he is changing into his scrubs in the locker room. Yesterday was his day off to which he was very thankful for because he woke up with a massive hangover on Saturday morning and Harry had to sneak out early so Eleanor and Niall wouldn't see him. Eleanor took care of him though, she gave him medicine pills and something to eat and even offered to help bath Louis to which he politely declined because first of all, that's weird, and second of all the only person Louis would want to bath him is Harry.

"Dr. Styles is doing a craniotomy is OR3, I suggest you go watch," Dr. Jenner says into the locker room. Louis forces himself to lift his head and look at Dr. Jenner and he immediately regrets it when he sees her glaring at him. He quickly diverts his eyes and pulls his shirt over his head before closing his locker. He turns to see if Eleanor and Niall are done, when he sees they are in fact dressed and ready he walks with them to the door and they start making their way down the hallway in the direction of OR3.

"Hey, Louis," Eleanor says once they've left the locker room. Louis turns to her and she speeds up to walk next to him, a little too close. "I never got to ask you where you disappeared to on Friday night. I was looking for you everywhere," she says with a soft smile.

"Oh I-uh-I- I went to bed a bit earlier I-I think I don't really r-remember much, to be honest," Louis stutters out nervously scratching the back of his head. He chuckles nervously to avoid the questioning looks he's getting from his friends and speeds up his pace to reach his destination faster.

Pathetic Louis thought as he gains a distance ahead of his friends.

Once they get to the OR Louis quickly walks through the door to the theatre and takes a seat close to the front. He looks down at Harry as Harry looked up at him. He gives him a small smile accompanied by a wave as small as his smile. Even though Louis can't see Harry's mouth he knows he's smiling, he can tell be the slight wrinkle in his eyes. Just before Harry drops his head he winks at Louis. Louis's cheeks heat up and he can't help the huge grin break onto his face.

Once Harry's surgery is done which wasn't long after Louis had gotten there seeing as it was a short surgery and Harry had been in the hospital since 3 o'clock this morning Louis only had to watch like 45 minutes of the surgery.

Louis was walking down the hallways not really knowing what to do since both Niall and Eleanor were busy with work for their attendings but Louis had already finished his work for his attending so he was just exploring the hospital some more.

Louis was on his way down the hallway when an arm was slung around his waist and before he knew it he was being pulled into a dimly lit room and pushed up against the door and a pair of lips were hungrily and aggressively pressed to his.

At first, Louis was frozen and confused but once he saw dark chocolate curls he quickly relaxed and started kissing Harry back. Harry detached his lips with Louis' and made his way to his neck and started sucking and kissing along it. After a little while of attacking Louis' neck, Harry pulled away which caused a whine to come from the shorter lad.

"Seeing as we got interrupted on Friday, I say we make up for it now," Harry said almost out of breath but a slight smirk evident on his face when he said the last part.

All Louis could respond to that was to pull Harry in again for another kiss more heated this time when almost immediately Harry asked Louis for entrance to his mouth and Louis happily opened his mouth for him. Harry reached his hand out next to Louis and locked the door. They both toed off their shoes and Harry started walking Louis backward towards the bed removing both their clothes in the process never breaking the kiss. When Harry finally pushed Louis down onto the bed they were both stripped down to their boxers and Harry quickly got on top of Louis.

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