Chapter 3

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(Louis POV third)

Louis, Niall, and Eleanor were all sitting down at a table in the cafeteria eating their lunch and since they don't know anyone besides each other yet it's only them sitting at the table. While they were eating a blonde-haired girl, who had the same residence as them and known as Perrie, came and sat down at the table with them.

"You know whoever's the on-call attending on this shift chooses one intern to do a solo surgery, something like an appendectomy," she said putting one of her French fries in her mouth and raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Yea, I heard that too," Niall replies mouth full of food. Typical.

"Already? Doesn't it seem a bit soon to let an intern do surgery by themselves?" Louis says looking at Perrie.

"I guess so." She shrugs.

A small silence fell upon them until. "Dr. Tomlinson." Louis' head snapped up only to be met with piercing emerald eyes staring intently into his.

"Y-yeah?" He stuttered suddenly feeling nervous under Dr. Styles' gaze.

"I need you to find out why my patient is seizing." He said sternly, "and if you do before I do you may just be scrubbing in on the surgery. Okay?"

"Y-yes sir," Louis stutters.

"Great come find me when you figured it out." And with that, he turned on his heel and walked out of the cafeteria.

Louis was blushing slightly and everyone was looking at him confused.

"How does he know your name?!" Niall asked after a few moments of silence and confused stares.

"Remember the patient I was telling you about, Miss Smith?" He asked to which Niall nodded. "Well, Dr. Styles is the attending on that case and I'm the intern." He said nonchalantly.

"Well, I need to go figure out what's causing her seizures so I'll see you later." He said standing up from his chair, hearing a few goodbyes, and a happy smile from Eleanor but he shrugged it off and walked out of the cafeteria. Eleanor has been acting weird lately, Louis thought to himself while leaving the cafeteria.

Louis was now sitting on the floor cross-legged in the library with books surrounding him in a semi-circle and one in his hands. He was reading intently. He really wanted this surgery but more importantly, he really wanted to impress Dr. Styles. He's not sure why though but he just does.

He was on about his fourth book when he saw something. He jumped up off the floor of the library and ran out as fast as he could. He sprinted down the halls almost knocking people over. He stopped running when he reached Miss Smith's room. He knocked three times on the door and after hearing a soft 'enter' he opened the door and walked in.

"Afternoon Miss Smith," he said standing at the foot of her bed with a warm smile on his face, "Mind if I just ask you a few questions quickly?" He said hopefully.

"Sure," she said returning the smile.

"Do you remember what happened to your head?" He asked.

"I was cycling down the street so far from here actually and I remember everything going black and hitting my head hard on the ground." She said thoughtfully trying to remember the incident that occurred not too long ago.

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