Chapter 7

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It's been a few days since Harry and Louis' date. There have been a few secret kisses in the elevator and closets and anywhere really with a couple of visits to the on-call room.

Louis was currently standing at one of the nurse's stations in the hospital looking at a patient's chart. He felt a presence behind him and then there was a coffee cup being slid in front of him. "Morning," Harry whispered into his ear and went and to stand next to him leaning against the counter sipping on his own cup.

"I don't drink coffee." Louis states with a slight smirk and an eyebrow raise at Harry.

"Who said it was coffee?" Harry smirks back.

Louis raised his eyebrows and grabbed the cup bringing it to his lips. Yorkshire tea. Louis' favorite. "Thanks," Louis says impressed, looking back at Harry with a small smile.

"No problem," he says and smiles a small genuine smile. "I'll see you later, love," he says giving Louis a subtle kiss on his temple and walking away.

Louis looked down to hide the small blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Oi! Louis!" Louis snapped his head around to look at Niall walking towards him with a huge grin and arms raised in the air.

"Hey, Ni," Louis says grabbing the chart of the counter and completely turning around to face him.

"I can't wait for the party tonight! Woo woo!" Niall screeched

"Party!?" Louis exclaims.

"You said it was a get-together! How many people are coming?" He says completely shocked by the information his best mate just told him.

"Um," Niall says scratching the back of his neck.

"Niall!" Louis exclaims but Niall just looks down sheepishly. When he looks back up he gives a small smile almost pleasingly. "Fine! But you cleaning up the mess." He says and begins walking away with Niall following.

It's about two o'clock now so they all sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch talking about the supposed party happening tonight.

"I can't wait!" Perrie exclaims excitedly.

"It's been such a long week," she says exhaling for dramatic effect.

"Ooh, you know who we should invite?" She says raising her eyebrows with a smirk on her face looking at Louis who's eating a salad

"Who?" He asks confused

"Dr. Styles and Dr. Malik," she says still smirking. And Louis almost choked on his salad.

"What?" He says quickly recovering from almost choking looking at Perrie like she's crazy. Because quite frankly she is.

"Yeah, it would be fun. They seem like they can party," she shrugs taking a bite of her lunch.

"Yeah, actually that would be pretty fun," Niall says excitedly.

"I doubt that they would actually come to tho," Louis says shrugging trying to hide his excitement if they do actually come.

"Great I'll ask when I see them," Perrie says excitedly and continuing to eat her lunch. The conversation changed quickly after that and they were talking about some surgery but Louis wasn't really listening he was too lost in thoughts about Harry may be attending the party.

After lunch, they were just walking around the halls chatting and checking charts when two men walked out of one of the rooms in the hallway. They all stopped in their tracks when they realized it was Dr. Styles and Dr. Malik. Perrie had a smug smile on her face and looked at Louis then back at them who were now walking away down the hall. Louis just glared at her and subtly shook his head.

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