Chapter 4

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A/N: That's what Harry looks like in this book.

(Louis POV Third)

Louis, Niall, and Eleanor were putting on their scrubs and getting ready for morning rounds. This was their second shift already but they were still just as nervous as their first.

Once they were done putting their scrubs on, they made their way out of the locker room and to their first patient's room for rounds. They had met Perrie and Dr. Jenner at the door of the patient's room, and when they got there Dr. Jenner opened the door and they all walked in. Standing next to the bed was Dr. Malik.

Louis immediately recognizes him as the man who was with Dr. Styles.

"Mornin' Dr. Malik." Dr. Jenner said.

"Mornin'," he replied looking up from the chart in his hands and closing it placing it under his arm. His eyes scanned over all the interns and then said "Ready?" Raising an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Dr. Jenner exclaimed. "Who's presenting?" She said and turned to look at them.

Eleanor raised her hand, "Casey, 17, rhinoplasty scheduled in 2 hours, all scans, X-rays, and tests have been done and there are no problems." She said and smiled a little at Dr. Malik and at Casey.

"Correct, Dr. Calder you will be scrubbing in with me this afternoon." And with that, all of them exited the room and made their way to the next patient's room.

Just like the previous room when they walked in they saw a man standing next to the bed with a chart in his hands, except this time it wasn't Dr. Malik it was non-other than Dr. Styles. Louis' heartbeat starting speeding up at just the sight of him.

"Ah, Mornin' Dr. Jenner," he said with a smile on his lips.

"Mornin' Dr. Styles," she said returning the smile. He then proceeded to do what Dr. Malik did and look at all the interns except his gaze lingered on Louis a little longer than the others. He then closed the chart and put it under his arm and crossed his arms over his chest which caused his white doctors' coat to tighten around his biceps and Louis had to avert his gaze elsewhere.

"Who's presenting?" Dr. Jenner said looking at her interns.

Louis cleared his throat and raised his hand slightly, "Miss Smith, 26, she had a craniotomy last night and she is currently in recovery and needs to go for scans before she can be discharged which might be tomorrow but depends on what her scans say today." He said with a small smile and look at Dr. Styles before looking at Miss Smith.

"Right, so Dr. Tomlinson you will be taking Miss Smith to do her scans and then bring them to me." He said with a nod and smile to everyone in the room and made his way for the door but on his way there he brushed his shoulder against Louis' which sent tingles down his arm at just his touch and Louis noted that he smelled absolutely amazing.

Everyone then left the room after Dr. Styles.

"Let's go get some coffee, I don't think I'll make it through the day without it." Niall laughed.

"Yea, I could really use a cup of tea right now," Louis replied with a smile

"I also feel like some tea," Eleanor said and smiled at Louis.

"Great let's go to one of those coffee cart things they have around here," Niall said and started walking away with Louis and Eleanor following behind him.

"Uh-huh, there's one!" Niall beamed pointing to a coffee cart and started walking faster towards the direction he was pointing. Louis just laughed at Niall's childishness and followed him to where he was walking. They ordered their drinks and added sugar or cream and then proceeded to drink their drinks. Once they were finished they threw their cups away and continued walking around the hospital.

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