Chapter 9

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(Wednesday) (three days later)

"Louis! Louis! It's time to get up for work." Niall screams from outside his door. Louis groans and rubs his eyes. He looks over at his nightstand to see it is seven o'clock and he needs to get up. "Louis!" Niall screams again.

"Yes! I'm awake Niall!" Louis shouts back at his Irish friend so he would leave him alone. When there's no response Louis assumes Niall's gone so he reluctantly removes the covers from his legs and stands up. He shuffles his way into the bathroom to have a shower.

Once he's showered and dressed he goes downstairs to have breakfast with friends.

"Morning Louis," Niall says to him as he walks into the kitchen. Niall is sitting at the table with a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him.

"Morning Niall," Louis replies trying to sound mad or annoyed but couldn't because he can't get mad at Niall.

"Good morning," Eleanor says before taking a bite of her toast and giving a bright smile to Louis.

"Morning," Louis says and smiles slightly.

"We are going to this bar across the street from the hospital tonight after work, you know, to see what it's like. Do you wanna come?" Niall says.

Louis puts his bread in the toaster and turns to look at Niall. "Um, I don't know." He says nervously, "I might have plans after work."

"What plans?" Niall asks slightly narrowing his eyes at him

"With friends at the hospital, you two aren't my only friends you know." Louis sasses back

"Oh ok, who are they," Niall asks still not believing Louis.

"Perrie," Louis says the first name that came to his head.

Niall just hums in response still not believing Louis but Eleanor seems slightly upset that Louis said, Perrie.

Louis ignores that and finishes making his breakfast and soon he's running out the door and in the car on the way to work.


Louis was standing by the nurses' station doing charts for Dr. Jenner when a cup of tea was slid in front of him and he felt someone stand next to him. He glanced to the side wasn't shocked to see a grinning Harry next to him leaning sideways against the desk.

"Morning," Harry says seductively whilst softly taking a sip from his coffee.

"Morning," Louis smiles at him reaching for his cup and taking a sip, trying to seem unfazed by the sheer presence of Harry.

"What are you doing tonight?" Harry says still leaning against the desk.

"I knew you were going to ask me that," Louis says and smiles softly, "Luckily for you I made sure to keep my night free." He continues with a slight smirk.

Harry took a step closer so there was almost no space between, "Meet me at my car tonight after your shift," he whispers to Louis before slowly leaning down.

Louis moves his head back and stops Harry, "What are you doing, we in the middle of the hospital. People could see." He whisper-shouts at Harry.

Harry just chuckles and looks around, "There's basically no one here." He whispers back. Before Louis can say anything else Harry softly presses his lips to Louis' and slowly moves them in a soft sweet kiss.

When he pulls away he smiles at Louis and whispers, "I'll see you tonight love." And just like that he walks away.

Louis smiles at the ground sheepishly for a few seconds before he looks up again and grabs his tea and takes a sip. He finishes the chart and starts walking down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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