Chapter 5

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(Louis POV third)

Louis stepped out of the shower, toweled his hair then wrapped it around his waist making his way back into his bedroom to get dressed. He stepped into his pants and pulled his shirt over his head then slipped his shoes on before headed out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

When he walked into the kitchen he saw Niall and Eleanor already sitting down at the kitchen table eating their breakfast. He mumbles a good morning to both of them and then sits down at the empty seat with a plate of bacon and eggs already there. He quickly eats and then they head for the front door walking through the pathway they have created through the unpacked boxes that they still needed to clear out.

"Yo, you good man?" Niall spoke out as we were heading down to the car.

"Yeah, just thinking a bit," Louis replies as vaguely as possible, he's not really ready to talk about anything at the moment.

In the car, Louis leaned his head against the window and let his mind drift back to last in the lift. Why did Harry kiss me? Is that even allowed? What does this mean? Does he like me? All these questions were running through Louis' head until he was brought back to reality when the car came to a stop and they all got out and made their way to the doors.

"Louis, get up man, we're here. I'm gonna need you to step up your game, you seem out of it." Niall is starting to get skeptical but Louis just stays silent and gets out of the car.

Louis was nervous about seeing Harry today. He was so caught up in his thoughts he failed to notice the six-foot man standing in front of him. Louis walked straight into someone and his face hit a tall mash hose mans back right in between his shoulders. He fell back as if he had bounced off the person, he took a step back and rubbed his nose and forehead which hurt slightly from the impact.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watch-" he cut himself off when he looked up and was met with piercing emerald eyes. His heartbeat quickened by the eye contact. He finally looked away, "Oh, sorry Dr. Styles," he said smiling sheepishly and looking at his shoes to hide his slightly pink cheeks.

"It's ok Dr. Tomlinson," Harry said with a small smile. Louis looked up and was about to say something when Niall's annoying voice boomed in his ears. Louis despised Niall for the moment for ruining any communication that he had with Harry.

"Louis come on we gonna be late for rounds!" Niall shouted walking towards the lift.

"Well I'll see you at rounds, Dr. Styles," he said with a small smile as he sighed lowly and walked towards his friends who were holding the lift doors open for him.

"Someone has the hots for Dr. Dreamy" Niall smirked and wiggled his eyebrows whereas Eleanor just looked slightly annoyed and irritated with the conversation but Louis brushed it off. Eleanor been acting weird lately he thought but turned his attention back to Niall.

"Dr. Dreamy?" Louis asked and quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he said it like it was obvious, "That's what all the nurses and other doctors call him. They also call his best friend, I assume is his best friend, Dr. Steamy." He shrugged and Louis just chuckled before the lift doors dinged open and they made their way to the locker room to get ready for rounds.

Rounds were the usual they just went to the patient's room and gave information and were assigned patients and Louis was assigned to work with Dr. Malik on his patient who needed a tummy tuck, not very exciting in Louis' opinion.

"So what's up with you and Dr. Styles?" Perrie questioned placing her tray down on the table and taking a seat next to Louis. They were now eating lunch and they've grown closer to Perrie she's a very nice person and Louis' glad he met her.

His heartbeat quickened slightly at the question, "Nothing why?" He tried to say nonchalantly.

"He was staring at you basically the whole time during rounds," she said whilst taking a bite of her salad.

"No, he wasn't he was probably looking at Dr. Jenner she was standing right next to me." He said but couldn't help the small blush that appeared on his cheeks.

"Ok if you say so," she sighed defeated.

Louis had now finished lunch and he was walking in one of the corridors in the massive hospital looking down at the chart for Dr. Malik's patient. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Someone whispered into Louis' ear. His voice was deep and Louis recognized it immediately. Louis gasped and jumped back slightly and when he looked up he saw Harry with a small smirk on his face.

"I'm pretty sure that's not allowed," Louis said and looked back in front of him and started walking away looking at the chart once again.

"So who cares what's allowed and what's not allowed," he said catching up to Louis.

"I don't intend of getting fired on my intern year thank you very much," Louis said.

"You won't, technically they can't fire you for dating me," he said.

"What makes you even think I would want to go on a date with you in the first place," Louis asked and quirked an eyebrow. They had now stopped walking and were in the middle of the corridor.

"Well, you seem to enjoy the kiss last night." Harry smirked and looked at Louis amused and he saw the younger boys blush and look down sheepishly "C'mon it's just one date and then I promise you if you don't like it I won't bother again."

Louis looked up meeting his eyes a glint of desperation evident. "One date?" Louis asked biting his lip.

"One date," Harry said nibbling the inside of his cheek, he really wanted to go out with Louis.

"When?" Louis asked.

"Well, what time does your shift end tonight?" Harry asked smiling.

"Seven," Louis said trying very hard not to smile widely.

"Okay great meet me at 17 Black at eight o'clock tonight," Harry said still smiling.

"What if I'm busy after my shift?" Louis said putting his hand on his hip and putting the chart under his arm.

"Well, are you?" Harry asked quirking an eyebrow.

"Well, I could be," Louis said defensively.

"I'll see you at eight o'clock sharp," he said assertively as he took a step closer to Louis rubbing his thumb over Louis" cheek. "Don't be late" Harry said almost seductively walked away leaving a breathless Louis in the middle of the corridor.

Louis couldn't help but smile. He really did like Harry. Louis snapped out of his daze removing the chart from under his arm and continued walking to find Dr. Malik to give him the chart and any new information and scans and tests he needed to do.


A/N: I know everything is happening quite fast but their relationship is based on Derek and Meredith's relationship in season 1 and 2 of greys anatomy

Sorry it's so short
The next chapter will be the date.

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