Chapter 1

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A/N: thank you so much to anyone who is reading this story😊 love you all. This story is going to be very loosely based on Grey's Anatomy but less death and drama so enjoy.

(Louis' third POV)

The sun was bright this morning seeping through the crack in the curtain that had not been closed properly the night before and an annoyingly loud beeping noise was coming from beside Louis' bed. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he immediately raised his hand over his face to block out the sunlight shining brightly, directly into his eyes. His hand reached over to the nightstand to grab his phone and hit the snooze button.

Today was his first day as an intern at Seattle West hospital and to say the least, he was extremely nervous. His mom is a nurse so when he was younger, he spent a lot of time at the hospital with his mom and loved every second of it.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and made his way to the bathroom to shower before work, he needed to make a good impression on his first day so he can't be looking all sleepy and smelly, which is very unprofessional.

Once he was finished showering he got out and got dressed in some casual clothes, it doesn't really matter what he wears to work as he will be changing into scrubs when he gets there anywhere. Why go through all the effort of looking good when you gonna change anyway.

As soon as he was dressed he heard his stomach growl so he quickly made his way downstairs for breakfast. He could smell the bacon and eggs as he walked through the kitchen door. He was greeted by his best friend and roommate Niall.

Louis and Niall met in med school and instantly clicked and they were both ecstatic when they found out they both got accepted into the same hospital for their intern year. Real lucky if you ask them.

And he was also greeted by his other roommate Eleanor. He had also met Eleanor in med school but only towards the end so he wasn't as close with her as he was with Niall but she was a very nice girl. There were times when she would stare at Louis weirdly and constantly but all in all she was nice. So when all three found out they were going to do their intern year at the same hospital they decided to move in together.

He grabbed his plate of bacon and eggs with his cup of tea, sat down opposite Eleanor at the kitchen table, and began eating his breakfast and sipping his tea.

When they were all done eating they put their plates in the sink and finished getting ready before heading out the door for their first day at work. Saying they were nervous would be an understatement but on top of it all, they were excited as this is what they'd been working for almost ten years of schooling. It's about time they put it to use.

(At the hospital)

Niall parked the car in a parking space and all of them jumped and closed their doors while staring at the huge building in front of them. They made their way to big automatic glass doors, the doors slid open as they got closer and they examined the hospital.

It was a nice-looking hospital on the inside and out, they went to the lift and went to the second floor where all the interns were supposed to meet in the locker room.

As soon as the elevator door opened they all walked out and down the hall in the direction where they were told was the locker room. They opened the door and walked in. There were quite a few interns there already. When they found their lockers, they were relieved to find them a bit close to each other. They stripped out of the clothes and pulled on their light blue scrubs and just when they finished a slightly older man walked in.

He looked to be in his fifties maybe, a few grey hairs in between black and a small stubble on his chin and cheeks. He looked buff but Louis didn't know if it was muscle or not but he honestly didn't really care. The man seemed scary but looked like he could be kind.

"Hello everyone I am Chief Higgins." He spoke his voice assertive and stern which said don't mess with him. "I will be showing you around the hospital, the ER, OR, nurses stations, and scanning rooms. Your assigned residents will be showing you around the rest. I don't have time to show you around the whole hospital, I have better things to do, so let's get a move on shall we. Follow me."

And with that, he walked out of the room, and everyone running out after him making sure they were not left behind. Louis, Niall, and Eleanor make sure they near the front as all three of them are quite short and wouldn't be able to see if they were in the back.

They follow Chief Higgins through the corridors memorizing the way. He stops outside a door and opens it and walks in, everyone following in pursuit.

It was a very brightly lit room with a bed in the middle with medical equipment on trays beside it with heart monitors and machines next to it. Louis knew it was an OR and he was over the moon at being in one for the first time.

"This is OR1." Chief Higgins confirms while everyone is still looking around the unfamiliar room. "I'm sure everyone is familiar with what happens in this room and the general rules." He asks with a raised eyebrow. Everyone nods and gives quiet yeses still in a daze by the sight in front of them.

Chief Higgins then shows them where the ER is and says a few rules to follow and how it works when the ambulances come. He then takes them up to where the nurses' station is.

"This is the nurses' station where the patient files and charts will be and come here or to your assigned resident if you have any concerns." He says as they approach the desk.

He continues talking about the nurses station and Louis is listening intently to what he has to say. Just then two men in white coats and dark blue scrubs, indicating they are attendings, walk around the corner each with a coffee cup in hand.

Louis's jaw almost drops to the floor as both the men turn to look at the group of interns. One has long dark brown curly locks and the most beautiful green eyes Louis has ever seen in his life and pink plump lips, he has pale skin but it doesn't make him look sickly at all, in fact, it's quite endearing and he was approximately six feet tall but to say the least this man was absolutely gorgeous.

The man standing next to the curly-headed lad had dark raven hair and his hair was short and styled in a quiff, he had dark brown eyes and a small beard on his chin, high cheekbones, he was shorter than the other man but he like the other man was gorgeous, to say the least.

"Mornin' Chief," the curly head lad said to Chief Higgins.

"Mornin' Dr. Styles." He said back to him, now known as Dr. Styles. Louis thought it suited him quite well. "Dr. Malik," Chief said to the raven-haired boy to which he just nodded and said a mornin' back.

Chief Higgins then turned back to the interns "Right this is Dr. Styles," he said pointing to him "He is our head of Neuro here and this is Dr. Malik." He said pointing to him as he did with Dr. Styles, "He is our head of plastics here."

They both smiled and nodded at the interns. And Dr styles looked at Louis directly in his eyes while taking a sip of his coffee. Louis's breath hitched quietly and he started to squirm under the intimidating gaze and his belly filled with butterflies.

Louis broke the eye contact and shyly looked down at the ground feeling intimidated by his gaze. "Well, Chief we'll see you later." Dr. Styles said, his voice was deep and a slight raspiness to it and it was music to Louis' ears if he's being honest. Louis snapped his head up and the sound and Dr. Styles looked him directly in his eyes again before walking away with Dr. Malik.

"Dr. Styles is so hot," Niall whispered to Louis once the two were out of sight. Louis just nodded his head and hummed in agreement and continued listening to what Chief Higgins was saying.

Louis could tell this was gonna be interesting, especially if all the doctors looked like that.

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