Chapter 2

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(Louis third POV)

"Louis Tomlinson, Eleanor Calder, Niall Horan and Perrie Edwards. Your resident will be Dr. Jenner." Chief Higgins said and everyone who he had just called made their way over to Dr. Jenner. She seemed very strict but looked like she had a soft spot for certain people.

"Hey what're the chances of us having the same resident," Eleanor said to Louis and Niall but she was mostly looking at Louis.

"Yeah, at least we know each other and not put with other people so we're not lonely." He replied with a small chuckle. Eleanor just smiled widely and nodded her head.

"Here are your pagers," Dr. Jenner said handing them their pagers, "As soon as your pager buzzes you go immediately to the place where you were paged, is that clear." She spoke sternly and she seemed quite mean but in a good way if that makes sense.

She turned on her heel and said a stern "Follow me". Everyone quickly walked behind her and followed her to a room with a few bunk beds in it. "This is the on-call room where you sleep, you sleep where you can when you can but the attendings normally hog these rooms and I'd advise you only use these rooms for sleeping"

  Dr. Jenner showed her interns around the hospital more and explaining basic rules and where all the rooms are what the rooms are used for and then she led them back down to the ER.

"Seeing as this is your first shift you will be working the ER. If you have any concerns or questions come to me or any other resident working here." She said and then turned on her heel and left all the interns to fend for themselves.

Louis had just finished doing someone's stitches when a woman came running into the ER and it looked like she had hit her head. Her blonde hair was now scarlet red on one side of the head and she was wobbling into the ER. Louis immediately stood up and approached the distressed woman

"Hello, ma'am, are you okay?" Louis asked carefully guiding the woman to one of the free beds in the room when he was quickly accompanied by Dr. Jenner.

"Ma'am what happened? Are you alone?" Dr. Jenner asked the lady to which she just looked at her. "Page Dr. Styles," Dr. Jenner said to one of the nurses standing by. And Louis' eyes widened slightly but he shook it off. He needed to focus on his patient.

A few minutes later the curly-haired doctor comes rushing through the door. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked looking directly at Louis. He froze for a few moments before telling him his situation.

"Have you done a head CT?" He asks while shining a flashlight in the woman's eyes, "No we were waiting for you to come." Dr. Jenner answered, "Okay. Let's take her up to the CT room." He turned his flashlight off and accompanied Louis and Dr. Jenner to the CT.

Louis and Dr. Styles were left alone behind the glass of the head CT while Dr. Jenner prepped the patient for the CT. They were sitting in an awkward silence every now and then sharing quick glances at each other without the other knowing.

The silence was broken when Dr. Jenner entered the room and Harry soothed the patient and told her to stay still and then proceeded with the CT. After a few seconds in the machine, the women started seizing. "W-What's happening?" Louis stuttered out with fear and shock evident in his voice. "I don't know." was all Dr. Styles before he ran out of the room and to the women to roll her on her side.

Dr. Jenner and Louis quickly ran out after him to assist him in helping her. After a few more seconds the women stopped seizing. " Why did she have a seizure?" Louis asked Dr. Styles once they exited the room again.

"I don't know we'll see what comes up on the scan." He said as he re-enters the room behind the glass.

Dr. Styles was staring intently at the screen, his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration and his bottom lip was between his index finger and thump and his face almost looked confused. "What? What do you see?" Louis asks him.

"Nothing." he replies, "I see nothing, there's no bleeding on the brain and there is no sign of damage to the brain or any sign of a tumor or aneurysm." Dr. Styles says confusion clear in his voice.

"Well, what do we do now?" Dr. Jenner said from between Louis and Dr. Styles.

"Well, we need to find out what caused the seizure and bandage her head for now." She nodded and looked at Louis

"Dr. Tomlinson, can you please clean up her head and take her to a room and check her in?" She asked.

"Of course," Louis said standing up and exiting the room helping the lady off the bed and into a wheelchair then taking her to her room.

Once Louis got to her room he cleaned up her head and wrapped it in a bandage. "Ma'am, can you tell me your name by any chance?" Louis asked carefully helping the woman onto the bed

"Miss Smith," she answered and Louis just nodded and gave her a small smile before leaving the room to go get lunch with Niall and Eleanor.

(Harry's POV third)

He walked out of the scanning room after the blue-eyed man he'd seen this morning who has now been named Dr. Tomlinson, it has a good ring to it he admitted to himself. Harry thought the man was beautiful, his eyes were the most gorgeous shade of blue Harry had ever seen before, he had high and defined cheekbones and had thin, red lips. And the slightest hint of a beard on his chin.

"Hey, man have you seen that intern from this morning again yet today?" Zayn chirped and slung his arm over his shoulder. Harry jumped at the sudden voice and touch.

"Yeah I have actually," he said sheepishly and Zayn just smirked. "Well anyway I'm hungry it's time for lunch is it not?" He just chuckled and nodded his head at his best friend.

They walked into the cafeteria and they put today's food on their trays and sat down at a table with Zayn's girlfriend Gigi or Dr. Hadid, she is the head of cardio at Seattle west and she and Zayn have been together for a few years now and Harry must admit, they are good together.

"Hey babe," Zayn said kissing her cheek and sitting down next to her while I sat across from them and next to my other friend Danielle or Dr. Campbell she is the head of general here.

Harry just got settle in his seat and took a bite out of his lunch when the cafeteria door swung open and in walked the blue-eyed boy Harry saw this morning who he now knows as Dr Tomlinson along with a blonde haired boy (Harry knew it was clearly dyed seeing as his roots were brunette) and a brunette girl who was walking in the other side of Louis but very close to his side.

Harry didn't know what it is was about this Dr Tomlinson guy but he was intrigued by him. He thought he beautiful but hospital rules say that attendings can not date interns. Harry finds this rule quite annoying if he's being honest. Who are they to tell him he can't date someone?

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