The Game

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Before you read I have something to say. There going to be a time skip to after the karasuno vs. nekoma match. If you watched the anime you know how it turned out. If you didn't you will 100% get spoiled on the outcome. I just wanted to put that out there because I think the karasuno vs. nekoma was like 1 or 2 episodes and I'm lazy. And you also know action narrations are a little bad. Anyways that's all so enjoy!

You have been in the apartment complex for about 3 days.
It was the afternoon and you were watching Kuroo and his team practice.
There practice match with karasuno was tomorrow.
You were looking forward to it so you were watching there progress they made a lot.
It also looked like there stamina was also getting better and they didn't get distracted as easily.
You were glad for their improvement.
There chance winning against Karasuno was high, but you didn't like to underestimate people.

You were still wondering when your mother would get a job so you could make a run home.
You were tired of living in the apartment there was a couple that has arguments everytime you go to sleep, it keeps you up at night.
You didn't want to hear about who cheated on who, that's what dramas are for.

You checked the time on your phone and saw it was 5:32 pm.
You realized that clubs lasted longer than your old school.
Well it was a sports club so it would probably last longer.

You watch Kuroo as he received a ball.
He was the imbodiment of hard work in your opinion.
He's one of the hardest workers you've ever seen.
He was really hyped about this match against Karasuno.
You hadn't really seen the extent of Karasuno, but they looked like they had growing space.
It was a new team so they probably had to get used to each other.
You could tell they weren't a team to be taken lightly though.

You watched as nekoma continued to practice.
You looked at all the members.
Some of them still looked a bit stiff though, like they still needed time to loosen up.
Well they only had about 28 minutes, if they were going to.

But to you volleyball was one of those things that was natural to you, so you didn't have to get used to it or warm up to it.
But to be fair you were getting a little bored just watching.
You yawned as you watched one of Kuroo's teammates dive for the ball and just barely missed it.
You thought about how you would get frustrated if you missed it and probably be silent the rest of the game.
You looked at nekoma's team work which seemed to look like it was getting better.

A few minutes later practice ended and you helped nekoma clean up the gym.
You also practiced with Kuroo for the last time before his match.
You walked back to your apartment and looked at your house.
All the lights in your house were off and there wasn't a car in the driveway.
You walked to your house and unlocked the door.

You were immediately hit by the smell of alcohol.
You pinched your nose instinctively you just walked passed all the empty bottles and broken glass and walked to your room to get the remainder of your items.
You took some more clothes and your heat suppressants, you also took some of your money that you had hidden.
You walked out of your room and went to the kitchen and saw little or nothing to eat.
You just got your stuff locked the door and left.
She really left the house in this condition.
You didn't even know where she went, she probably got a job, or, you hoped she got a job.

You walked out of the house and went back to your apartment.
Once you got to your room you washed your school uniform and took a bath.
You got out of the bath and put on some baggy pants and a sweatshirt.
You walked to your room and layed on your bed.
You checked your notifications because you had already finished your homework.

You saw ren had messaged you once a few minutes ago so you opened his first.

Ren: Hi little bro!!!

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