Help me anyone (read warning)

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You felt a hand wrap around your waists. You flipped your head around to see who the person was it was one of you classmates. You asked him.

"H-hey! What the hell are you d-doing" you said In a shocked and shakey voice. You tried to sound brave but can tell you failed.

You tried to move your hand to push him away but you felt another hand grab your hands. There were a total of 5 students in the class including yourself. They were all boys so you so you didnt understand why you where doing this you were scared and confused. You tried to struggle but you were to weak. They were holding you by your wrists and you couldn't move. You were suddenly pined on the table. You looked up to see your fellow classmates smirking face. He told you.

"Its been two weeks since you started coming to school its time for your official initiation."

You looked at him with a terrified face. Tears started forming in your eyes. You heard them grabbing tape to tie you to the table. While they had there backs turned you called for help as loud as you could and listened closely so see if anyone was coming while you were still screaming. Your voice was starting to crack and your throat was hurting but you kept yelling until your throat felt numb. They boys ran over to you and taped yoir mouth shut. You tried to take off the tape but where unsuccessful. You were panicking and crying at this point you didnt know what was going to happen to you.

The boys finished taping you. Then they started to pull down your pants. You desperately tried to screamed through the tape. The tape fell off your mouth. You trashed and kicked as they continued to touch your body. You started to cry harder causing you to have to try harder to scream. You made a loud noise that sounded like a 'yelp' from a baby dog. You heard the noise echo across the school walls. One of the boys punched you in your face causeing your noise to bleed. You cried out in pain and continued to scream. You stoped listening your brain felt fuzzy. You were blacking out.

You were still screaming while you were blacking out. You heard someone run into the room and yell something. You heard him yell again and you heard. People run out of the room. You felt someone tampering with your wrists you tried to jerk away but you were to weak. You blacked out.

             {A FEW HOURS LATER}

You woke up well more of jumped up. As soon as you did you started shaking and you began to cry and had a hard time breathing. You heard someone walking towards you. You looked away from them while grabbing your wrists. You were shaking and the person gave you a hug. You noticed there was another person. The person hugging you was your brother he was crying. You were still to weak to hug him back. So you just let him cry on your shoulder. You wanted to cry too but you were to weak and your throat was sore. You wanted to let out your tears but they just ran down your face. After your brother finished crying on you. Kuroo ran over and gave you a hug too. You got a smell of how he smelled. You asked him a question

"Kuroo...what happened to me.. Where am I?" You said in the best voice you could muster.

Kuroo and your brother got a serious look on your face and explained where you were and the events that took place. You listened horrified as all the scary and terrifying memories flooded into your head. You started to cry without making noise. But you still felt the slight burn with every whimper. Kuroo hugged you and tried to hug back but everytime you did your hands would slide off his back because of your weak and recovering state at the time.

                      {The next day}

You didnt want to go to school. So you decided to just pick up all your work for the rest of the week and bring it when school ends. You didnt plan on telling your parents about this. Its not like they would care. They were your parents but they were to busy to talk to you or listen to you. You didnt want to step foot into that building ever again. But you were called to explain what happened to you to an officer and the principal. Then you would take your work and go home to finish resting. The teachers were told to be light on the work.

A few hours later you explained what happened to the principal and officer letting only a few tears escape from your face. You took your work amd walked to your first class. Got your work and left as all the other classes. But when it came to your last class you stopped. You didnt want to go back in. You started sweating and you started tearing up. You shook the tears away and walked into the class to collect your work. As soon as you entered the class you noticed the tape that was still present on the table leg. The teacher looked at you and immediately bowed and apologized for the actions that took place. You told him it was fine even though it really really wasnt. You took your work and said your good byes too the teacher. You put your shoes back in your locker and started walking towards your house. You noticed there were wasnt that much work in the packet. There were only 1 piece of paper per class. I guess they really took thr work lightly.

You finally made it home you walked up stairs to your room. You completed all your work in under 45 minutes. And you went to sleep.

                   To be continued

Hey sorry for the angst this chapter wasnt ment to offend anyone. If you feel offended by this I will delete it and rewrite it as soon I see the comment. But here's your reward for making it to the end of this chapter. I made this chapter a lot longer than I usually would. Tell me if you want more chapters like this or if you like the shorter 400-500 word chapters (this one had 1000+ words 😅😅). Anyways thats all for me see ya' guys later!

 Anyways thats all for me see ya' guys later!

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I'm Just A Beta.. (Kuroo x reader omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now