2 weeks of suffering

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You woke up shaking in a cold sweat. You were so scared. You looked around your room in hopes you were still in your house. You signed in relief and tried to calm yourself down. But in the end you just started crying. You felt like you were going crazy. Your head was fuzzy you couldn't think you couldnt breath. You wanted someone anyone to be here with you. You were scared.

You finally calmed down a little bit. You desperately scrolled through your contacts for someone anyone who you could talk to. You then realized you didnt have many friends. You were new at this school and only had one friend at your old school but.. You lost contact a while ago. So you just played a game on your phone.

                        {2 weeks later}

You once again woke up from the same recurring dream. You were fed up with it. There where deep dark circles around your eyes. You didnt want to sleep anymore. You had to go back to school soon. You didnt think you were ready to go back. To be fair you did rest enough, though, but you didnt forget or get over it. It was too heavy on your heart it hurt like hell. And you recently started having random mood swings and getting fevers and feeling really hot lately. You wanted to go to the doctors but you didnt have money or insurance to pay the bill. You hoped it would be going on for too long.

                      {On momday}

You went to school earlier to avoid looking at people. You put makeup under your eyes to make the circles under your eyes lighter. You really hoped a rumor wasnt spread about what happened. You walked into your classroom and took your seat. You didnt have another book to read so you just started drawing a picture. You didnt kniw what the picture was going to be yet but it was whatever. By the time you finished the picture everyone was already in class including kuroo who was sitting beside you. He smiled at you. You attempted to smile back but where kind of unsuccessful. You could tell the smile looked forced and awkward. That just made kuroo blush a little and smile. You didnt know why kuroo blushed but you didnt pay much attention to it.

You payed attention in class and tried to learn the best you could. You were relieved to be back in school. The sense of routine made you feel like you had a purpose or felt busy. The class had finished and you told kuroo you would see him later and walked to your class. You looked at the ground and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. You made it to your class and took your seat. It was self study today. Since you didnt feel like studying you put the details and finishing touches on your drawing. By the end of class you were finished and noticed kuroo wasnt waiting for you today. You just decided to go to where you and Kuroo usually ate. You went up to the roof and saw kuroo there sitting where you two sat the last time. You silently took a seat beside him and said.

"Hi kuroo" with a smile

Kuroo replied back with "Hi chibi-chan! Sorry I couldn't come pick you up for lunch today. My class got out early." Kuroo said with his guilty face.

You replied with "Its fine kuroo."

You remembered last time you ate on the roof kuroo wanted to ask you something. You asked kuroo.

"The last time we ate on the roof you wanted to tell me something. You didnt get to finish do you happen to remember what you wanted to tell me?" You asked as you looked at kuroo.

Kuroo thought about what you asked him. When he finally remembered je snapped his fingers.

He said "Oh yeah! I was inviting you to watch the teams practice match. You weren't here a few days so you couldnt watch us but we've been practicing really hard!" Kuroo said with confidence in his voice.

You looked at kuroo and said "Sure I'll watch. But on one condition."

Kuroo gave you a confused look and said "Condition, what kind of condition?"

You gave kuroo a kind if embarrassed look and said. "I'll go if you practice with me again."

You were deprived of exercise during yiur break and you where eger to play and run around for a while. Kuroo was also fun to hang out with.

Kuroo gave you a smirk and said " Fine then if I have to practice with you I have a condition"

You looked at kuroo with a kind of nervous face. "What kind of condition, kuroo?"

Kuroo gave you one of his sly smiles and said "You have to give me your number"

You gave kuroo a surprised look and said "eh?"

                    To be continued

Yay you made it to the end. This is the last super 'angsty' chapter for a while I think. Heres a picture of 'rin' or y/n's picture as a reward. I'll see ya' guys in the next one bye!

 I'll see ya' guys in the next one bye!

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I'm Just A Beta.. (Kuroo x reader omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now