Chapter three

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Harry's P.O.V
Me, Draco and Evans entered the house and went to set down the shopping in the kitchen but when we got into the kitchen we saw five people in there next to Hope and Teddy. I looked at the people a bit closer then realised that they looked just like my parents, Sirius, Remus and Fred. I ran forward and pushed the twins behind me as I pointed my wand at the others in the room.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"
I demanded of the people. The man who was impersonating Sirius stepped forward and said "Harry?"
In a weird strained voice as if portraying great emotion. I then repeated my questions but before they could reply Hope put her hand on my shoulder and said in a calm voice
"Harry it's them we checked they can turn into padfoot and prongs and she has a doe patronus" Teddy then chimed in
"and they knows things that no death eater could ever find out"
I looked at Draco who nodded at me to confirm that it was true. I was still sceptical which I guess was obvious on my face as Draco said as he grabbed my hand "Kingsley called earlier to tell me that they came back and that they were coming here. I was going to tell you when we got back so I could tell you all together but they got here earlier then I thought they would."
I looked at him once more then looked at the people standing in front of me and I slowly walked forward and looked into Sirius's eyes for the first time in eleven years.
"Sirius is it really you"
I said in a strained voice he nodded I then looked at Remus "Remus"
my voice broke and tears streamed down my face as they wrapped me in a hug. I then looked over at my parents I suddenly realised that no matter how much I thought about them coming back I had no idea what to say. What do you say to your parents who you don't even remember come back to life?

I was pulled back into reality when I felt someone hug me I looked at them and said
"mum, dad"
my mum looks at me and said with tears streaming down her face as well "yes it's us. Harry it's us"

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