Chapter seven

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(A/N sorry for the big time skip)
September first Hopes P.O.V
Me and Teddy have been awake since five this morning and we are  to excited to go back to sleep. We have worked out where me and Teddy are living, we spend every other week with Harry and Draco and the other week with our parents it's a bit messy but it works. Today everyone is staying at Harry and Draco's to see us off at the platform. We had a big party yesterday with all the Weasleys as a way to say goodbye as we aren't going to see anyone till the Christmas holidays.

It's now ten o'clock and we are trying to get both of our trunks down stairs as well as our new owls Wolf and Star. We say goodbye to aunt Lily and uncle James. We started calling them aunt and uncle about a month ago.

When we finally get to kings cross station it is absolutely packed with people. We eventually manage to make our way to platforms nine and ten, and me and Teddy run one after the other through the barrier. Once we get onto the platform we try to lift our trunks onto the train keyword try. We finally mange to put them on the train so we walk off to say good bye. We hug James first who makes us promise that we will write to him to which I tell him we will but he also has to write. We then bend down to hug the twins and say goodbye to them then to Evans. Then go over to aunt Dromeda and aunt Cissy who tell us to be good.

We then walk to our parents. We stand in silence for a while nobody sure what to say. Till Papa brakes the silence
"You two try not to get into to much trouble ok be good make friends and do your homework on time. I love you enjoy Hogwarts and please do stay out of trouble."
Dad then says 
"Well, remember to prank as many people as possible and always write to tell me about it. Say hi to Minne for me. And have fun we love you and we'll miss you so you must try to write at least once a week ok."
Papa elbows him and whilst saying
"Sirius your supposed to set a good example for them."
Dad replies 
"I am setting them a good example I telling them to be marauders."
Papa rolls his eyes and we hug one more time before going over to Harry and Draco. We look at them before Draco speaks
"I would tell you to stay out of trouble but I know you are never going to do that so instead I will tell you to try and not let it interfere with your education. And remember to write we love you."
I look at him and say
"Do you promise to write as well?"
He nods and hugs both of us before stepping back to talk to the others leaving us alone with Harry
"Ok you two I have somethings for you but don't tell your Parents about it ok."
We nod intrigued by what it could be. He pulls out a piece of parchment and a cloak. He then says handing the cloak to us
"This is an invisibility cloak it has been past down through my family for generations and I want you two to have it."
I look at Teddy confused and he voiced the question both of us are thinking
"But don't you want your kids to have it?"
Harry nods
"I do want my kids to have it. That's why I giving it to you because you may not be my kids by blood but you will always be my kids in my heart and I know you are also you parents kids but you are just going to have to deal with having four parents."
I look at Harry and ask
"But what is the piece of parchment?"
He replies
"It's the marauders map you point your wands at it and say I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good and it shows Hogwarts and the grounds and once you finished using it you say mischief managed or anyone can read it."
I look at Teddy and we both hug Harry who says
"So now that you have the tools of the marauders you are ready to go to Hogwarts remember to write today or tomorrow about what house or houses you guys are in and remember we don't mind which house all the houses are fine. I love you ok you can do this."
And with one final hug me and Teddy hold hands and get onto the train.
We both look out of the window and wave at our weird family that consist of four parents, three aunts, an uncle, four younger siblings and a bunch of Weasleys. We keep waving till the platform is long out of sight and our next big journey begins.

The End
A/N there will be a story about their adventures at Hogwarts but it won't have the people who returned in it but it will have Hope and will still be Drarry and they will be wolfstar's kids but I don't know when it will be out.

Sorry for the tense change in this chapter I know it's not very well written.

Thank you for reading to the end and I hope you enjoyed. 
If you did please go and check out my other stories

'Drarry next gen time travel"
About when the next gen kids travel to the past with all the Weasleys and the children in this book other then Hope.

And my other story
'Sorry wrong number {Drarry}'
A muggle au where Draco accidentally messages Harry.

Once again thank you for reading.


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