Chapter two

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Hope's P.O.V
I picked up a beaters bat and pointed it at him as we hadn't gotten our wands yet we were going to get them the next day.
"Just because you look like that doesn't mean I won't bash your face in!"
The man looked shocked and a woman stepped forward
"listen we don't want to hurt you we were told we could find Harry Potter here. Please, I want to meet my son."
I looked at her, she looked like Harry's mum but that was imposible she'd been dead for nearly 30 years.
"We are not scared of you."
"You don't have to be, just tell us where Harry Potter is."

I looked at them desperately wanting to believe it was them. I looked at Teddy who nodded then said
"ok say we believe you are who you say, which by the way we don't. How are you here?"
The person who looked like Lily replied
"we all appeared in the department of mysteries so we went to the auror department and Kingsley said that we could find Harry here."
I looked at them finally starting to believe them
"if you are who you say them prove it"
The man who looked like dad (Sirius) then questioned
"but how?"
I thought for a second then replied
"if you know what I mean turn into padfoot"
then I looked at the James look alike and said
"and you turn into prongs"
they both did as a asked and they turn into a dog and a deer. I looked at Teddy who said looking at the 'lily'
"cast a patronus"
she did as he asked and a silver doe burst from the end of her wand. We then asked 'papa' and 'uncle Fred' questions that only they would know.

After we finished that papa looked at us a said in a slightly impatient voice
"not to be rude or anything I'm sure you two are lovely people, but we have two, month old babies to see and I would like to go now."
I looked at him tears starting to form in my eyes and said
"you don't have two, month old babies"
dad then said
"I think you'll find we do"
I shook my head to emotional to say anything. Papa and dad were getting visibly more angry till Dad said
"I don't know who you think you are but we do have two children" me and Teddy looked at each other and we both nodded and we looked back at our parents and Teddy said slowly his voice strained with emotion
"we never said you didn't have two children we just said that you didn't have two, month old babies."
They looked at us confused till I then said in a similar voice to Teddy
"you don't have two, month old babies you have two eleven year old children."
They looked at us looks of realisation on their faces.
"Hi dad, Papa"
I said before me and Teddy through ourselves at them tears cascading down our cheeks as we hugged them.
We broke apart when the door opened and Harry walked in.

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