Chapter six

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Remus's P.O.V
After Teddy and Hope went to bed we join the other adults in the kitchen. As me and Sirius walked in the other four turn to look at us and I asked them
"is it ok if we stay or do you want this time to yourselves?"

James replied
"Of course you can stay we want to here what happened to you guys as well."
Lily then looked at Harry and asked
"So tell us about your life."
Harry stuttered
"Well er where to start. Well I guess I will start with before Hogwarts I lived with the Dursleys."
He was about to continue but lily interrupted
"They let you live with Petunia!"
Harry nodded then continued to explain his school years.

Time skip to after he had just finished explaining the battle of hogwarts.

"Well after the battle I was just leaving when I quite literally bumped into Draco and Narcissa. They asked where I was going and I said I was going to go and tell Andromeda about Tonks and You two"
pointing at me and Sirius as he said the last bit.
"They then said they where coming to and long story short that's how me and Draco met properly. So after that we both went back to school to finish our seventh year and we started dating about half way through the school year. So when we finished I started to look after Teddy and Hope more and more till when they were three they moved in full time though we still see Andromeda almost every weekend. Then about a month later Draco moved in properly though really he had been living here for a year before then. Draco do you want to explain more?"

Draco nodded then continued explaining
"Well about six months later I proposed and a year later we got married and then James was born a year later then, the younger twins two years after that and finally Evans a year ago. So that completes our family that is if you don't include the army of Weasleys."
We all laughed at that and I said nodding
"Hope and Teddy were telling us about them earlier."

After talking for a bit more we went to bed, though I couldn't sleep so I went down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea only to find Lily down there already.

"Hey Lils you ok?"
She jumped then looked around
"Oh hi Rem I'm ok. It's just it hurts to see him all grown up knowing that we weren't there to see it."
I nodded I felt the same way about Hope and Teddy. I was brought back to the real world when Lily asked
"What's on your mind?"
I thought about how to respond then replied
"I'm just worried because I don't know what to do the twins obviously see Harry and Draco as their parents but me and Sirius are their parents but I don't want to brake apart their family."
Lily nodded and said
"I think you'll just have to wait and see you never know maybe you can still be their parents."

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