Chapter five

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Hope's P.O.V
We continued talking in the living room till it was nearly lunch time so me and Teddy went to make lunch mostly because we needed to talk about what was going on.

As we started making lunch I turned to Teddy and asked
"what do we do?"
He looked at me and replied
"I don't know Hope I really don't know"
we went back to making lunch talking about what me pranks we could play once we finally got to Hogwarts.

About ten minutes later Papa walked in and asked
"do you two need any help making lunch?"
I shook my head and said
"no we're ok thank you for offering though. It will be about two minutes so if you want you can tell the others to come through here."
He nodded then left.

Time skip to that evening

It was about eight o'clock and the little ones were in bed me, Teddy and our parents were sat in the living room whilst Harry, Draco and Harry's parents were in the kitchen. Papa looked at us and said
"I know this must be really weird for you two so we just want you to know that we want to be your parents but it doesn't take a genius to workout that you see Harry and Draco as your parents so we going to leave it to you to decide what you want to do about the whole living situation. But for now we want to get to know you more."
I looked at them and said
"Well about the first thing you are correct and thank you for understanding we know it must be hard for you to. But on a happier note about the second thing we are as I'm sure you both know metamorphmgi but as for something you don't know we are animagi. We are both black wolves though just normal wolves not werewolves."
Teddy then continued
"As said before we like to prank people and we often drag are best friends Vicky and Xander into our pranks much to aunt Fleur's annoyance."
Before he could continue Dad interrupted him
"Who are Vicky and Xander?"
Teddy then replied
"Oh sorry I forgot you don't know anybody well we'll give you a quick view of the Weasley family tree. So first there are the Delacour-Weasleys I think you Papa went to their wedding"
Papa nodded as Teddy continued
"Well there is aunt Fleur and uncle Bill then their three kids Vicky who is nine, Dom who is seven  and their brother Louis who is four. Then their is the Wood-Weasleys they are uncle Charlie and Uncle Oliver."
Papa interrupted this time
"Wait like Oliver wood the quidditch captain"
Teddy nodded as he continued
"They have two children Xander who is nine and Pheobe who is seven."
He paused so I took over
"Well then theirs the Weasleys they are uncle Percy and aunt Audrey and then Molly II who is four and Lucy who is two. Then theirs the other Weasleys Uncle George and Aunt Angelina who's maiden name I think is Johnson and they have two kids Fred II and Roxanne who are five. Then to finish the tour of Weasleys there is the Granger-Weasleys who are uncle Ron, aunt Hermione and their kids Rose who is three and Hugo who is one. Oh and there is aunt Ginny but she isn't married and has no kids. Any questions?"
They both shook their heads and me and Teddy decided to go to bed for the night so we went and said goodnight to Harry and Draco and went to bed.

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