Chapter four

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Hope's P.O.V
After we had finished crying and hugging and had phoned the Weasleys and Fred had gone to see them and meet his many nieces and nephews, we all went into the living room. As we walked in and sat down, (me, Teddy, Draco and Harry on one of the sofas. The other adults on the one opposit us and the Malfoy-Potter children on the floor playing).

Dad was the first to speak looking at Harry and Draco
"so when did you two happen?" Harry blushed and looked at the ground then said looking up
"we got together in eight year which is when all the people who missed seventh year thanks to the war went back to finish school" then added as an after thought looking at Dad and Papa
"you don't mind do you"
Papa smiled and said
"of course we don't mind as long as he doesn't hurt and you're happy we don't mind"
then added looking at Dad and elbowing him
"do we Sirius"
to which dad intelligently replied "what oh yeah we don't mind at all"
Harry relaxed after hearing they were ok with him being with  Draco.

Papa then said to us
"so tell us about your lives so far" I looked at Teddy who looked back looking equally as awkward as me. Harry then said realising that neither of us were going to say anything
"go on Ted why don't you start" Teddy nodded and said stuttering "well er we are eleven we don't have our wands yet and we haven't got to go to hogwarts but we will be going this year... and er Hope and why don't you speak"
I looked at my parents then at Harry who put his hand on top of mine as if to say it's ok you can do this. So I looked back at my parents and said
"well er why don't we start from the beginning, we are eleven as Teddy said we lived with aunt Dromeda till we were three when we moved in with Harry. Then about a month later Draco moved in and we became a weird sort of family. Then a couple of months after that Draco proposed then a year later they got married and a bit after that James was born, then the twins were born when we were about seven then finally Evans was born when we were ten."
I nudged Teddy to tell him it was his turn so he said
"well so that basically brings us up to now so I will just tell you about our personalities, so we both like quidditch you'll be glad to hear dad"
he pauses then said
"I not sure if you know but that's you Sirius and you're Papa Remus"
they both nodded and Papa said "we know we choose which one of us is which"
Teddy continued
"well we both play chaser but sometimes we play seeker. Nobody knows what house we are going to be in but there are bets in places for all four houses. We play a lot of pranks so we are often in a lot of trouble and we call are selves the marauders 2.0 but if others help us then we add on to the point, for example if Vicky and Xander helped then we would be the Marauders 2.2."
I looked at them and asked
"is there anything else you wish to know?"
They shook their heads and went silent.

No ones P.O.V
lily then started to speak
"so who are these sweethearts playing on the floor I didn't catch their names earlier?"
Harry and Draco smiled with pride just as they did when anyone asked about their children. Harry then realised that they hadn't replied and said
"well Jamie do you want to introduce yourself."
James II nodded and said with a smile and a wave
"hi my names James Sirius Malfoy-Potter."
Sirius looked at Harry and said "you named your son after me" Harry was about to reply when James interrupted him
"I think you'll find that he was named after me as well. Plus I got the first name"
lily elbowed James to shut him up so Harry could reply.
"Well to answer your question Sirius yes I named my son after you why on earth wouldn't I and as he said he got the first name purely because I don't think I can put up with anymore seriously Sirius jokes."
They all laughed at that before Remus asked
"what about the other three what are their names?"
Draco asked the twins if they wanted to introduce themselves but they said no so he answered instead
"well the boy is Scorpius Severus, but most people call him Scorp, and the older girl is Lily Narcissa. And finally the youngest is Evans Minerva."
Lily looked at Harry and Draco with a shocked expression
"you named you children after me"
Harry nodded lily then ran over and hugged him Harry awkwardly hugged back and eventually smiled.

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