Your father

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It was the next morning. Midoriya rushed towards you handing you a letter.

"Get Bakugo and Todoroki." You said heading up to your room.

You sat down on your bed and waited.
"I made sure everyone was still inside"

You nod in response to Midoriya and opened the letter.

See I don't wanna hurt you kids. I really don't. But if no ones willing to help me get to my daughter I will get to everyone of you. Soo Tenya Iida. You wouldn't want what happened to your brother happen to you. Or else you wouldn't be able to take the name ingenium now that would be so very sad.

"That's odd."

"What is it?" Todoroki questioned

"This one seems rushed. He's definitely planning on making more letters. I wonder why though. I need to see him."

"You can't" Bakugo snatched the letter from you

"Katsuki he's just in jail. He can't hurt me" you cupped the boys face with both hands

"Look I think Y/N is right on this one Kacchan. If she goes no one else is in danger"

"See Midoriya gets it. Come with me then."

Bakugo put his hand on your lower back and pushed you towards him. You guys were nose to nose

"Fine. But you better not leave without me. I'll even resort to Icy hot and deku to helping me watch you"

You let go of the boys face and pulled away.
"Fine" you groaned

"Now get out. All three of you. I need to change if we plan on going anywhere." You shooed the three boys and got dressed.

You opened the door to see Bakugo waiting for you on the other side.

You headed downstairs and gave Todoroki and Midoriya a nod.

"Ooo are you two going on a date!" Mina sang

"Ew never" Bakugo said opening the door for you

"Oh come on man no need to lie" Kirishima said

"I'm not" Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked out the door

"Did you mean that?"

"What I said to the stupid idiots?"


"Of course, I never lie"

"Oh.." you stared at the floor.

"Hey princess you good?" The boy stopped in front of you. He lifted your head. He leaned in for a kiss. You pulled away.

"Mhm I'm great. Oh look are car is here we should go"

"What the hell princess!" Bakugo spat

You stared out the window. "What the hell what?"

"Umm you totally just dodged my k-"

"Hey look that was a fast drive. That's odd didn't know it was so close"

The boys face turned red. He was trying to keep his anger in but he knew he was about to blow any second.

A few more seconds of silence and the car had finally arrived to your destination.

"Hey can you stop walking so fast!" You yell at Bakugo

"I don't know what the f**k you're talking about Aizawa"

"What did you just call me?"

"Aizawa is that not your name"

"It is but usually you call me Y/N or princess"

"Okay well maybe I don't feel like it." The boy rolled his eyes and opened the door. He walked in letting the door close on you.

You were surprised but instead of getting mad you opened the door. Inside stood a tall man with black hair

"Tsukauchi! Sir! It's so great to see you again" you hugged the detective

"You know your uncle and All Might would kill me if they knew I did this. So better hurry."

"Thank you again, come on Bakugo"

"Katsuki to you"

"Why do you hate Bakugo so much"

"I'd much rather hear you say Katsuki" the boy grinning placed a hand on the back of your neck griping it. You suddenly halt letting out a gasp.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" You snapped back slapping the boys chest

"Oh shut it and see your father"

The detective opens the door for you and the room is all white. All you could see was a chair and across from the chair was glass.

On the other side of the glass sat your father face in hands.

"D-dad?" You sat down in the chair. Pushing a piece of hair behind your ear

"Y/N!" The man screams

"I thought you were dead (dads name/make up a name). Why did the league lie to me."

"Don't call me D/N I'm your father"

"Aizawa is my father. You didn't raise me" you rolled your eyes

"I wanted to see you one more time."

"One more time?"

"Your father is due for the death penalty"  The detective said

You turned your gaze to the detective.
"What!?. You mean he actually"

"Yes Y/N. I have killed. More then just your mother. And I wish I could take it all back just to give you a hug. I was terrible to you. I see your mother in you."

You begin to tear up. Holding it in the best you can.
"Is that why you gave me her stuff?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry. You're so much better in Aizawa's hands then mine. You even took his last name. You're right he is your father. I even gave him permission to adopt you."


"I've said to much. I love you darling"

"Wait but I'm not finished."

"Princess it's time to go." Bakugo said grabbing your arm

"Who's this? A boyfriend?"

"Oh god no. He's to pu**y to ask me out anyway" you say rolling your eyes


"Oh I'm so scared" you said getting up from the chair walking out

"Are you being sarcastic with me?"

"No duh captain obvious"

"Your lucky I don't blow your brains out"

"Hehe that's funny. I would say the same but you don't have any brains" you laugh

"Oh shut up"

"You're mad because I'm right"

"Ahh young love" your father said laughing

"You know she's in great hands. No need to worry about her. Rest easy for your sins tomorrow" The detective said to your father

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