"Sexy Angel"

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You saw a clearing and walked through. You had a couple of bruises and scratches but nothing big. You couldn't help but worry about the other kids in the class.

"No one else made it?"

"No it seems like you're the first. So how was it?" Aizawa pat the back of your head. Resting his hand on your shoulder.

"Pretty good, and might I just say they were amazing out there" you said in awe. Aizawa looked down at you as you smiled with a twinkle in your eye.
"Kirishima was all like Pow Pow. And Koda was talking to animals and they were doing stuff for him. And oh you should of saw Shoji and Jirou"

you hadn't realized as you were talking the rest of the class had finally showed up. They all were tired and worn out but couldn't help but be confused as to who you were.

"Oh and you had to have seen Midoriya. He was jumping everywhere and he was super fast. And Todoroki was all like freeze this and freeze that."
Aizawa laughed as Midoriya and Todoroki stared at each other trying to hold in a smile.
"And Iida was zooming everywhere. And Bakugo, oh Bakugo"

"What about me you nerd" you heard a voice say angrily. You fell to the floor startled. You covered your head and turned around.

"Get up from the floor you look ridiculous" Aizawa whispered in your ear. You got up and stood facing the tired class.

"Umm, well you were so umm" you gulped. You've always had a hard time talking to people. And being pushed into a random class didn't help much either.

"Well say it DAMN IT" he yelled choking afterwards.
It had seemed as if his throat was hurting him and since he was very tired and weak he couldn't have had anymore energy to yell.

"Sheesh no need to yell" you straighten your self up and walked over to Bakugo. You placed a finger on his chest. Close enough to touch each other's noses you said to him looking him in the eyes.

"Last time I checked I made it out before all of you. By myself. So if you wanna yell at anyone try a mirror next time. I'm not some stupid pawn you can play with or yell at in your case. But then again I checked a boy with your attitude and amount of brain cells couldn't comprehend a game like that. Probably should stick to something easier."

Everyone was taken aback. Even bakugo. Your uncle tried to hold his laugh in as much as he could.

"Shut up you stupid extra I'm better then you"

"Haha Hahahah BAHAHAHA" you couldn't help but laugh at how clueless he was. But you respected your uncles choices and didn't tell him you were related to eraser head.

"I was given a spot here personally by principal Nezu himself thank you very much." You took a deep breath.

"Which reminds me Iida-" you felt a hand on your shoulder which startled you.

"I think you should just show them later. Then you could talk to Iida. Okay?" You looked up to see Aizawa towering over you.

"Um... of course" you nodded your head to him.

"So. What's your name? Or do we have to wait for that too Mr.Aizawa" it was Todoroki. You were taken aback by how low and deep his voice was.

Not what you expected from endeavors son.

"She's the sexy angel who saved me. That's what her name is, sexy angel" Mineta said walking towards Todoroki

"Hehe, oh yea. I apologize about that Mineta. I hope you and Kaminari are doing just fine now." You mentally facepalmed.

They didn't give you their names yet. And you used Iida's quirk when saving him what if he tells them.
"Actually she goes by Y/N" Aizawa pat you on the back reassuring you it was going to be okay.

He planned on covering up any mistake you made. At least until it was time to tell them he was your uncle.

"Well it's great to meet you" Midoriya said holding out a hand.

You shook his hand and stared at him intensely. He gulped and moved away from you after wards. You scratched the back of your neck to try to brush it off like nothing happened.

You needed to talk to Midoriya. You had to know if he was the new successor. You decided to text All Might later. He tends to check up on you everyday. So you thought you would tell him you joined the camp today.
It was now time to sit down and eat. Since your uncle made you quite a good amount of pancakes for breakfast. And you didn't work as hard as the others you decided to get a small plate and sit on the side. Considering you didn't know anyone you didn't want to intrude.

"Hey Kota" you stood next to the child.

"What do you want" You knew Kota since the last time you were with the Pussycats.

You had offered to babysit him while they handled business the 'kids shouldn't know of ' it was just stupid hero stuff nothing big.

"Hey watch the attitude big K."You took his hat off and messed with his hair.

"Sorry I'm just tired of wannabe hero's"

"Tell me about it. I'm dragged into to this way more then you are."

He laughs a little.
"Really?" The little boy questioned

"Yeah I'm stuck training with them. And then after training camp I have to go back to real school with them"

"Woah good luck to you"

"Hehe, hey one more thing" you bent down in front of him. Waiting for a response.


"Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can" the small boy pushes your arm. You topple a little before regaining balance.

"No one knows yet that I'm Aizawa's kid. So don't tell anyone. Got it?"

"You can count on me" he gave you a small nod. You put your hands on your knees. Fixing the position you were before. He smiled a little. And that's all you were looking for.

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