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"Wow that was awesome Kirishima how did you do that?" Sero said running over to you two

Bakugo started to turn red. Not only did he lose to you. But now Kirishima had his arm around your shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL SH!*TY HAIR" he pushes Kirishima making him fall to the floor

"What the hell is wrong with you. He hurt himself that's why no one saw him all game. Go be a jerk somewhere else Katsuki" you picked Kirishima back up. Recovery girl took him.

You all changed back into normal clothes and headed towards your dorms.

"You aren't seriously mad because I won right Katsuki?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He walked away in front of everyone.

"Oh that reminds me." You stood in front of everyone making them stop.

"Ah found you" you kissed Mineta on the cheek and did the same for Kaminari.

"I'm never washing this cheek again" Mineta said in a daze

"What was that for?" Sero asked

"Oh they lost because I said if they let me get them I'll give them a kiss"

"YOU WHAT!" Bakugo turned around to you.

"Omg here we go again. Look I already proved I'm better then you suck it up because this time I'm not running" you gave Bakugo a smile and walked in front of him leaving him in shock

The Baku squad laughed while the others try to hold it in.
It was the next day and most people slept in. People couldn't stop thanking you for the day off. Sato even made you a cake.

"Hey guys so I'm gonna try to stay productive today so if you have laundry I'm all about cleaning it. Except you Mineta stay 6 feet away from me at all times."

"Oh man" the boy walked off

Everyone gave you laundry and thanked you as well.
You were sitting on the washer machine while you heard the door to the laundry room open.

"Hey.." it was bakugo

"Hey what's up"

"I'm sorry for being mad at you."

He walked towards you and stood in front of you. Placing both hands on each side of you leaving you trapped. He then stuck his face towards you.

"Well I'm glad. It's kinda boring without you" you held the boys face making him blush. You felt one of his hands touch your waist. You wrapped your legs around his torso. You both leaned in for a kiss. Practically touching noses-

"Bakugooo!! Let's go before we're late" Kaminari screamed

Bakugo looked at you. You covered your ears and nodded.


"Now where were we." He turned his attention back to you. You guy leaned in when suddenly the door opened.

"Sorry guys but Kirishima and Kaminari are asking for you" Jirou pointed at Bakugo.


"Look it's fine" you patted Bakugo on the chest

"It's probably for the best. You should go." He gave you a kiss on your cheek and left the room.

"You know I'm gonna have to tell this to Mina right?" Jirou said

"Yea.." you turned pink and looked at the floor

She left and you collected all the laundry. You folded all the clothes and headed to everyone's room.

A few minutes Pass

"Mm it looks like Bakugo's is next"
You open the door to his room and find things thrown everywhere, dishes piled and clothes all over the floor.

"What the hell"
You put down the laundry basket and fixed his bed first. You then picked up all his clothes and put them away in his draws.

"Gosh his desk is such a mess."
You cleaned it off when a letter fell off of it.

"Oo he gets fancy let-" the name on the letter was your fathers

You paused letter in hand you sat on Bakugo's bed.
You realized the letter had been open. So you decided to read it.

I hear you're the one that is interested in my daughter. Tell her, her daddy loves her. Give this necklace to her. It was her mother's. At the moment I'm in jail. So don't question how I got this information. I was also told that she thinks I'm dead. So don't give her false information she wouldn't like it if you lied.

Letter 1/3

A tear formed in your eye.
'Why would he not show me this? Where's my mother's necklace? Why did they lie to me about his death? Letter 1 of 3 is there more'
So many thoughts filled your mind.
You took a deep breath. You put the letter back and grabbed the dishes and laundry basket.
You headed downstairs to see Bakugo and the others got back.

You headed to the kitchen and cleaned the dishes.

"Hey princess. Heard you did chores all day. Why are you so nice" the boy sat on the counter.

"Of course you wouldn't know about how to be nice Bakugo"

That stung the boys heart. You've never called him that.
"Hey what's up with you. You aren't still mad at me because of what happened yesterday,right?"

You didn't answer his question and headed to the common room.
"Hey Y/N thanks for cleaning up my room a little bit I owe you" Kirishima put his hands together and thanked you

"No problem"

"HEY! Princess you don't leave me when I'm f**king talking to you"

You ignore him more. Only to see that the other couldn't help but listen in. Midoriya couldn't tell if he was scared of you or Bakugo. No one ever stood up to Bakugo. Sure Kirishima calmed him down. And Todoroki talked back a little.

But you. You flat out ignored the guy. You felt like crying. How could he just betray you like that. You made Bakugo a part of your life. Clearly he didn't want to be. A tear fell down your face.


"Hey that's mean" Hagakure squeaked

"Do you ever shut up Bakugo." You answered back

Shocked noises and faces filled the room.

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