Chapter 37- Marking

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Y'all did you hear the news? Legit gave me a heart attack and I'm kind of sad but I kinda understand. How do you guys feel?


The past few days have been somewhat quiet, everyone training their hardest and trying to return to what we would call normal. Here at the base, we've all been trying our best to recover from the elves attack, but have also been working at channeling the elf mana still remaining in our bodies. Just as we all started to celebrate, I noticed something 

Captain Vangeance was a bit himself. He didn't want to join in on the celebration, instead going back to his office and staying there. 

While that was happening to him, I also noticed something about myself. 


"Ahhh finally after a long training session a nice warm bath is what I need" A smile forms on my face as I think of my bones and limbs being relaxed. 

Once in the bathroom, I start to slip of my clothes, hanging them on the hanger behind. Just as I'm about to step in the water, I notice something on my arm. 

' this?'

Around my bicep is a tattoo like marking that I haven't seen before. I run my finger over it, trying to see if it was some sort of pen or marker, but it doesn't come off. 

'strange. Maybe it'll come off after I wash up'

As i started to scrub my body of the dirt and sweat, I paid special attention to the marking and tried my best to wash it off, but it didn't come off.  I stared at it for a good while before abandoning my attempts at getting it off and deciding it was time to get some sleep

After that, the marking only started to spread on my arm. Not wanting to draw attention, I decided that wearing long sleeves would be the best option. Starting that night, I became very restless. Ever night, I would have the same dream. I would see the same flames, hear the same screams, but I was never able to make out the faces in my dreams.

Until last night

Yuno, Mimosa, Captain William

All of them were screaming

Mimosa cried out to me, Yuno was trying to reach out his hand, while Captain William was tied up. His voice was the only one I couldn't hear. I could see his mouth moving, and tried my best to read his lips, but I couldn't. I fell into a pit of black and when I woke up, I shot up from bed, bolting to the bathroom, feeling everything in my stomach beginning to come up. As I continue to throw up, the taste of blood begins to set in my mouth, making my heart begin to race. Kaito hearing something gets up and flies to the bathroom, just in time to see me coughing up blood. His eyes widen and he quickly changes into a human and runs out of the room to, I assume get someone. My head begins to pound and vomit continues to mix in with the blood. My eyes begin to get watery as the sound around me begins to muffle. The pounding of my heart is the only thing I can hear, making me groan in annoyance. Finally stopping throwing up, some blood still continues to pour out of my mouth as my coughing fit still continues. Kaito returns, Yuno, Mimosa, and Captain William with him. Captain William is the first to come up to me, I would guess asking me what's going on, but I shake my head covering my ears. My hands move over my mouth next to ensure no blood gets on anyone, or on the floor, then I stand up. I shut my eyes, trying to take a deep breath to recover from the coughing fit, and after a few seconds, sound returns and I open my eyes to see everyone looking at me worried.

(A/N: Does anyone else like hate throwing up? Like I start crying when I throw up because I can't breathe. Is that normal or...)

"Is something wrong?"

"A-Are you okay?" Mimosa speaks out, her voice slightly shaking

"I think so?" I take in a deep breath, steadying myself and walking out of the bathroom. "Yeah everything is fine."

"Y/n you just puked up a lot of blood you can't be fine" Kaito crosses his arms 

"Has the training been too intense, and have you been sleeping and eating right?" Captain William asks me 

"I promise everything is okay" I laugh nervously, feeling something in my stomach move

Captain William and Mimosa excuse themselves, but Yuno stays behind. Kaito takes his place in my grimoire and I smile at my boyfriend as he looks at me.

"Something wrong-"

"Cut the crap Y/n you're sick and you know it"

"Geez you don't have to be so rude about it" I sigh rolling my eyes. "And I'm not sick I'm fine it was probably nothing"

He grabs my arm and pain shoots up it, causing me to flinch and step away from him. He narrows his eyes, taking my sleeve and pushing it up, revealing the marking completely covering my arm.

"W-What the hell is this?"

I bite my lip and he moves my face to make me look him in the eye and repeats himself. "Okay okay fine. I saw this a few days ago and thought it was nothing so I ignored it, but it started spreading and I wasn't sure what to do. I tried using my magic and some of the remedies that Miss Chiyo left me, but nothing worked"

"And you didn't think to talk to anyone?" He scoffs. "This is serious and it's clearly affecting your health. We need to go see a doctor"

Letting out a breath, I get up from the bed and follow Yuno out of the base. He flies the two of us to the capital, then to the castle. 

"Doctor Owen?" Yuno knocks on his door and opens it. 

"Yuno. And Y/n. What can I do for you."

Yuno motions at me to say something and I let out a sigh before moving up my sleeve. "can you...tell me what this is?"

He hums and motions for him to come over to him, which I do. He uses his grimoire and starts to examine the markings. After a few minutes, he sighs, taking off his glasses. 

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you what you want to know. Mainly because I don't know myself."

"So is that it then? I'm not going to know what this is?"

"Well...not exactly." He gets up from his chair and walks to his bookshelf, scanning for a book and upon finding it, opens it and finds a page. "Here. There's a witch in the witches forest that specializes in markings like this. She'll have an answer for you. But you'll need someone with you to get into the forest safely, especially if you want to take Yuno with you"

"Vanessa came from the witches forest, that she should be able to get us in there."

After leaving the capital, we quickly fly to the black bulls base. Jumping down carefully, I knock on the door, one of the members flying through it just as I step away. 

"Y/n? And Yuno? What are you guys doing here?" Noelle asks us

"Um we need to speak Vanessa if that's okay"

"Y/nnnnn~" Suddenly I'm engulfed in a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in forever"

"ahhh hi Vanessa. It sure has been a while. Listen ummm I need a favor"

"Anything for my favorite member of Golden Dawn"

"Umm..." I clear my throat. "I need to get to the witches forest."

Her face falls at the mention of that place, nevertheless, she lets out a breath. "I can..but what's the reason?"

"I need...a doctor." I raise my sleeve, revealing the marking. Her face losing color, but she quickly shakes her head, getting her clothes and hat. 

"Come on, we need to go now." 

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