Chapter 54 - Awakening

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Yuno's POV

*huff huff*

Dammit...he just won't die

No matter what he won't die.

"Yuno!" Kaito screams, making his away toward me, but barely dodging an attack from Zenon

"You should be with your master shouldn't you, did she die like the others too?" He mutters, getting ready to attack again

"No...she's not dead and she won't die. She will be the one to break the curse and she will live happily! She will live on! I will make sure of that"

Kaito's expressions have changed. It's not long one of fear and anxiety, but one of faith and desire.

What happened to y/n that made him change?

In that moment, Zenon throws another attack, sending me into the ground, my body aching and clothes torn. I hear Kaito scream my name and Langris begin to stand up, ready to throw his life away.

'Come on Yuno...get up'


"Man" y/n stretches her arms in the air, letting out a breath "i am beat. that mission was rough"

"It was a little exhausting" she stumbles a bit, her knees buckling and falling to the ground. I quickly move next to her, noticing how pale she is. "Y/n, you don't look so good. We can take a rest"

"No" she simply states. "We're supposed to be back by tonight."

"I'm sure captain would understand"

"The captain needs me to do I need to be back. I'm fine Yuno really. It just took a bit more energy to help the villagers recover from the attack."

I lift her on my back and begin walking through the forest, feeling her body relax and her breathing slow. I smile slightly, everything around us is quiet as the sun sets.

"You can be such a kid sometimes...but you're selfless and always put everyone first even if it exhausts you. That's what I love about you"

We get back to the base, everyone there to welcome us but when they notice she's asleep, they quiet down as I take her to her room. I lay her down carefully on the bed, pulling the covers over her body.

"Ill be the one to take care of you when you forget to"

To stay beside you and everyone else is what i wish

"Y/n is sick" Captain sighs, leaning back on his desk. "She's been pushing herself too much on the missions and exhausting herself. I assume she hasn't been eating much or sleeping either. Would you look after her Yuno? I'll be sending Mimosa and Klaus on her mission instead, but there's also a captain's meeting today. Alecdora will accompany me in your place today"

"Yes sir"

I arrive to her room to see her sitting up in bed and rubbing her head. "Oh Yuno, good morning" she moves to get up, but I stop her, putting a hand on her forehead

"You have a fever. Lay back down"

"But the mission..."

"Klaus and Mimosa are going. Focus on getting better."


"Ill stay here ok" I lean her back carefully on her bed, pulling the covers back up on her body. "We'll break the fever first and then I'll get you some food"

"Thank you..." she whispers before falling back into slumber


I gasp as my eyes open, realizing I'm still in the middle of the battlefield. I try to move my body, but only manage to move my head up slightly, seeing both Langris and his brother being held up by Zenon's bone magic.


Is this....really how it ends?

It can't be...not now

I was the hope of the village, they called me a genius. I was chosen, I was recognized, I was envied, I was hated, I was entrusted.

But I've failed

And y/n....she's fighting right now in her own way, yet here I am, about to give up.

"Yuno" her voices rings through my ears. "Don't give up yet. Please...just hold on a little longer, it's almost time now"

My eyes widen as a grimoire appears in front of me, this time one from the spade kingdom. A rush of power runs through me as I stand up steadily, both grimoires floating in front of me.

"I will defeat you Zenon!"

Y/n's POV

"Your body right now Y/n is in the land where the elves now reside." Lady Evangeline informs me. "Kaito brought you there to keep you away from the battlefield, which ultimately works in our favor. Create a magic circle right under you right now so that you can have a direct source of power from the mana tree."

"By doing this, you'll have enough mana to not only take down the final devil host, but also have the mana to seal the tree into the staff and kiss the devils goodbye for good" Annabelle states.

"Asta is it? Make sure he hits the tree first with his anti magic sword so none of the devils can escape during the sealing." Aristia continues

"Got it"


Lady Evangeline wears a sad expression, almost like she wants to say something, but is holding herself back. She suddenly wraps her arms around me, tears beginning to flow down her face onto my shoulder.

"Lady Evangeline..."

"We've seen it all y/n, everything you've been through since you got your grimoire. We're sorry that it all happened, but we saw the good times too. We've seen how happy you are with Yuno and Golden Dawn. We want the future for you that we couldn't have, but to do that, we have to give you the last of our power, meaning this is the last time you will see us."

"I see...thank you then. All of you. It's because of your sacrifices that im here right now standing, and going to make it out of this. I owe you all everything"

"Let us begin then...the final fight"

Yuno's POV

"Star magic: quartile scutum! Star magic: conjugation....quartile hasta!!!"

The pages in this grimoire were engraved to defeat him, so I will not fail, not this time.

"I am the one who will be victorious!!!"

Looking up i see Kaito beginning to disappear, but a smile on his face.


"Don't worry Yuno! I'll be back, this time with y/n!"

Y/n's POV

My eyes open slowly adjusting to the light, my body feeling completely rested and ready to fight. I stand up carefully, immediately going into mana queen, the elves and everyone around me smiling and cheering. Dryad comes up to me, giving me a small smile also, leading me to an opening back to the battlefield

"Welcome back, second princess of the heart kingdom"

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