This is the defintition of a shit post

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John: please help I'm scared

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John: please help I'm scared

Sera: damn sucks to be you

Sera: maybe you should use your car you got for Christmas from your dad

John: please I don't feel safe

Sera: shouldve taken The car

John: you said you needed it

Sera: no I didn't

John: you rn

Shazam: can you guys stfu I'm trying to study

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Shazam: can you guys stfu I'm trying to study

Soulless: can you stop being a a smart person I have a billion dollar business idea

John: how many times do we have to tell you That you ain't even have good ideas

Soulless: non of my ideas are trash

Pumpkin king: I have multiple screenshots of ideas of yours and also multiple screenshots of you being down bad

Soulless: false

Blueberry: Isen sent me these

Blueberry: Isen sent me these

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