I think I Committed Tax Fraud

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John: imma be renaming anime I've watched

Asslo: again you're a weeb

Sera: weebs are people that have an anime girl body pillow and are jojo fans

Shazam: jojo is a good anime

John: no

Soulless: I'd like to see John rename anime

John: "this Subaru is the only one that doesn't have a 5 star safety rating" but my favorite is "the misadventures of Subaru "

John: "this Subaru is the only one that doesn't have a 5 star safety rating" but my favorite is "the misadventures of Subaru "

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John: "Not about bunny girls but about quantum physics"

John:  "Homeless girl becomes a therapist to a family that has a dark secret"

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John:  "Homeless girl becomes a therapist to a family that has a dark secret"

John: "you don't know who the main character marries because they all look the same"

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John: "you don't know who the main character marries because they all look the same"

John: "you don't know who the main character marries because they all look the same"

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