14 (Part 2)

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Imagine: Being Bruce Wayne's sister and falling for Harley 

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Imagine: Being Bruce Wayne's sister and falling for Harley 

Ever since that date you and Harley had, you two had been going out for months, and your brother hadn't found out, you hoped. You really liked the way things were going with Harley, and you didn't want anything to ruin that. Your mood improved; you were genuinely happy and didn't want the feeling to fade away. Bruce noticed this as well; he hadn't seen you this content in what feels like ages. He intended to find out why perhaps you had finally found that certain someone you longed for.

One night when you were out on a date with Harley, Bruce was patrolling Gotham to make sure people were out of harm's way. He saw you exit a restaurant, but he grew concerned as he saw the infamous Harley Quinn follow right behind you. He followed you as you walked home, he waited till you made it home, he was about to strike Harley until he saw you two kiss. His blood boiled! How could you fall for someone like her? He watched as you and Harley parted and immediately went into the house.

"(Y/n) we need to talk!" You heard the anger in his voice, and you grew concerned, "What's wrong, Bruce?" He gave me a stern look, "Really? You want to play dumb! Do you want to explain to me what I just saw?" You were confused, and it finally clicked in your mind what he was talking about. You put your head down, ashamed, "You saw us." "Of course I did," he shouted. "Honestly, did you think I would never find out? How long has this been happening?" "A couple of months," you muttered.

"A couple of months! Why (Y/n)? Why her?" You felt tears form and was too scared to speak. "Well," he stood there waiting; I took a deep breath and finally dared to speak. "I wanted to tell you, I really did, but I was terrified. I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time. She makes me really happy; she gets me; she completes me. I'm sorry, Bruce, but I love her, and I want to keep seeing her, regardless of what you say!" He sighed, "Okay, I won't fight you on this anymore, I can tell how much you care about this girl, even though I never pictured your future like this, or with someone like her, I'll allow it."

Your eyes lit up, "Really! Oh, thank you so much, Bruce!" You ran up and hugged him, "On one condition." "What is it?" "I want to meet her tomorrow." "Done, I'll call her right now," you responded immediately. "Then it's settled. I'll have Alfred make us breakfast. Goodnight, (Y/n)." "Goodnight, Bruce." You were nervous yet excited for the love of your life and your brother to meet.

(The next morning)

Harley had arrived, right on time, she looked tense, but her face softened when she saw me. She handed me a bouquet of roses, "H-hi, I-i bought these for you. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring anything or not." You smiled at how adorable she was when she was nervous, "You're perfectly fine, babe, I promise." I was about to say something when Alfred walked in, "Ah, Ms. Quinn, a pleasure to finally meet you." "U-uh, nice to m-meet you too," she stuttered out. He took the flowers from you and said, "Master Bruce is waiting for the two of you outside with breakfast." You both nodded, "Thank you, Alfred."

You walked over to where and saw Harley tense once more; you squeezed her hand to reassure her that she was okay. Bruce stood up and went to shake Harley's hand, "Ms. Quinn, a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n) has told me so much about you." She shook his hand in return, "Likewise, it's so nice to finally meet you." "Please sit." You all chatted a bit and ate. Harley grew less worried and was finally comfortable; they were both warming up to each other. You three had just finished eating when Bruce finally spoke up, "Now, Harley, I need to know that you aren't with my sister just for money and that you truly care for her. I also want to make sure that you will never hurt her or put her in harm's way; I don't need your crimes from the past to harm her!"

"I promise you, I love (Y/n) with all my heart and that I would never use her. That life is behind me; I will always protect her." She took my hand in hers, "I love her, I've loved her since the day we laid eyes on each other. She's always been the one for me." I felt my eyes start to tear up, and a faint blush appear on my face. Bruce stood up, Harley and I did too. He walked over and hugged Harley, "Welcome to the family." Both our faces lit up, and we faced each other. "I have a meeting to attend to. I'll leave you to it." I ran up to her and hugged her, and she hugged back. Finally, a life with the person you loved, and nothing could ever stop the two of you.

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