No Homo

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John frantically search around the room, looking for his glass. He had lost them last night during the sleepover party with Jade, Rose, and Dave. He thought that he might of lost them during the pillow fight. While he was lost in thought and walking around, he heard a crack that snapped him out of his daze. He looked down and moved the pillow that was covering his now broken glasses, "Damn..." He picked them up and put them in his pocket and opened the door to walk in to an ambush of the others, except Dave.

Rose smirked, "Dude, you are so screwed, he knows, and he will 'ironically' embarrass you to death."

Jade giggled while Johns eyes widened, "How?! I don't remember saying anything!"

"You got drunk off of two shots," Jade smiled, trying to calm the boy who was freaking out.

John face palmed and walked back into the room, locking the door and flopping on the bed. He didn't want anyone to know about his thoughts on a certain guy. Even if he wasn't a homosexual, it was still a little embarrassing. He heard the girls fighting over who had made him more upset when Dave walked in the hotel penthouse.

"Dave, he's freaking out about you knowing!" They said it unison, then giggling when they realized what happened.

Dave sighed, "Can you guys leave for a second?" As the girls nodded and left the penthouse, he proceeding to knock on the door of the room John was in. Getting no response, he tried the handle. He sighed again and grabbed a master key out his pocket and unlocked the door. He made sure that when he walked in, he closed and locked the door back up.

He looked around confused before seeing that John was hiding under the covers, curled up in a tight ball. He felt a small smile creeping on his face. He walked towards the lump on the bed and started removing covers to reveal a sleeping John. Dave shook him awake.

John felt his heart rate increase and hoped the other didn't hear it. He had pretended to be asleep to get out of this confrontation, but he guessed that wasn't gonna happen. He uncurled his body and pretended to stifle a yawn, "Hm?" He sat up and blinked 'sleepily'.

Dave patted his back, "So you think I'm mildly attractive and would pay to see me without a shirt?" John turned pinkish and looked away, "I can explain...."

"Yes please explain. I mean, mildly attractive? I think I deserve more." Dave flash his signature grin while John giggled.

John rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He had hoped to avoid this situation, "Look, I'm not a homo. I'm sorry if I came across that way."

Dave nodded, though, he felt a bit disappointed. He had liked the blue eyed dork for awhile. He just wouldn't admit it. An idea came across his mind, "Does 'No homo' cover this," he leaned in and kissed John.

Surprisingly, John kissed back, wrapping arms around Dave. He pulled back, "No, but I don't want it to," then kissed Dave again.

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