A Little Homo

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    "I know, but he just won't let it go." Dave sighed and shook his head. He was talking to Rose over the phone about John, who still can't ride a bike without training wheels.
    Rose chuckled, "I think he is trying to tell you something that he can't say yet."
    "Of course you would say that, did I tell you that the training wheels don't touch the ground? He said he feels safer with them on."

   After Dave says that, John makes his appearance by opening the bedroom door. It was obvious that he heard enough of Dave's side of the conversation by the way he had his hands on his hips. He stood in the doorway and waited for Dave to hang up.

    "Rose, I just got busted, gotta go." Dave put the phone downed and looked at John. He sighed and rolled his eyes before saying, "Is it really that serious? Please, don't be mad."

    John just shook his head, "It's not that serious, but it is important to me. I like having them on. They remind me of when everything was still normal and not different." He bit his lip as he tried to communicate what was really going on with him. It was hard and sometimes, Dave really couldn't take a hint.

    John guessed that it was just the first year struggles. Ever since the day at the penthouse when they found out they liked each other, they started dating. According to Dave, John was taking it slow, very slow. He couldn't help it he was just nervous and didn't want to mess everything up.

    Dave got off the bed and walked over to John. He grabbed his hands and held them in his own, "Everything changes, time will keep going on. You don't have to change yourself to stay with it. Also meaning that you should really take the training wheels off. Seriously, you didn't need them a year ago, so you don't need them now." He smiled at John and pulled him into a hug.

    John chuckled, "I hate you, Strider." He wrapped his arms around the blond.

    "I love you too, honeybuns." Dave laughed and lifted John off the ground, then carried him to the living room. He set him down on the couch and went to look for food in the kitchen, but came back empty handed. "Do you want pizza? I'm starving and we haven't gone grocery shopping this month."

    "Sure, I'm driving!" John picks the keys up from the coffee table. He pulls his shoes out from under the table and puts them on. Dave haf just gotten off of work not too long ago and was still in his uniform. "Don't you want to change?"

    Dave looked down at his self then shook his head, "Nah, I have to go back later anyways. Which place are we going to?"

    "I was thinking that we could go to Regan's Pizzeria. Unless you wanna go somewhere else?" John smiled, knowing that Dave loves Regan's and would want to go anywhere else. Of course, Dave shook his head and said, "Let's go."

               (Most uneventful car ride)

    At the pizzeria, John went to order while Dave at in their favorite spot on the far side of the restaurant. John often got discount because the manager was a very good friend of his.

    "What the everloving fuck do you want, you little shit?!" The manager half yelled at him. John chuckled a little and looked up at the menu to make sure. "Hmm, I'm not sure, Karkat. The Hawaiian sounds good, maybe the three meat treat. Oooo, what about the cheese st-"


    John cracked a wide smiled while the other raven haired teen seethed at him. "Okay, okay, I'll go with the Hawaiian."

    "So, are you here for your anniversary, or what?" Karkat was a little bi-polar sometimes and this just proved it as he quickly calmed down and changed the subject. Unfortunately he had brought up an important event that John had forgotten about.

    "I totally forgot, but it's okay, it's only noon and I think he forgot too." John sighed as Karkat gave the order to the cooks in the back. He started to fret, "Karkat, I don't know what to get him. What do I do?"

    Karkat just shook his head and shrugged. Dave on the other hand was wondering why John was taking o long and began to get up right as John was making his way towards him.

    "What took you so long?" Dave asked cocking his head to the side. John bit his lip, deciding whether he should tell him about the date, he wondered if Dave planned anything that he just didn't know about. He decided to wait a while and see. "Nothing, me and Karkat were just catching up."

    "I thought I hear him yelling from here," Dave laughed and sat back down. He looked over at John and smirked a little. The dork was just too cute sometimes with all the little tics he had. He always bit his lip when he was nervous, as he was biting his lip now. Dave frowned at this, "Is everything okay?"

    John was immediately puuled from his thoughts. He stared at Dave for a minute before completely coming back to earth, "Yeah, what's the date? I can't remember." He decided that this should, in case Dave had forgotten, would jog his memory about how special the day was.

   Dave looked a little scared, "I-It's June 23rd..." It was John's turn to frown a little, "Everything is okay, right?" After he said that, one of the waitress arrived with their pizza.

   "It is now! Oh my god, you got my favorite. I love you, John Egbert."

    John sighed and sat down, resting his hand on his fist. He'll figure out what to do while Dave is at work later. He will make sure that it will be the best day possible for him.

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