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John's P.O.V Ten Years Later

   Something wasn't right. I held my  breath and listened closely, I wasn't so much afraid of what I would hear, but it's what I didn't hear that scared me. I sat up in the bed and looked at Dave, he seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I tried to shake him awake.

    He wasn't breathing. On the other hand, I was hyperventilating as I grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911. The phone was answered immediately.


    At the hospital, I paced around in the waiting room. Nervous. I was scared of what could be wrong. Dave didn't have any type of medical condition that would lead to this. At least I didn't think he did.

    Soon a female doctor came through the doors to the emergence room hallway, "John? Please have a seat."

    I shook my head, "Is he okay? What happened?" The doctor sighed and gave me a look filled with pity. "Dave is not in good condition. We don't know what's wrong with him. His lungs continue to rapidly fill with fluids. We suspect that they could be punctured and we will have to keep him for a while to be sure. He will get better in time, so don't worry."

    Don't worry?! This is all my fault. I thought he just had a cold. He was coughing a lot lately and he refused to go to the doctors, no matter what I had said. So I just dropped it. I fell into one of the hospital seats to process what I had been told. I don't know what to do.

    "How long will he have to stay?" I looked up at the doctor, hoping that it wouldn't be too long.

    "A month, maybe two. We have to make sure that the injury didn't lead to other problems.

    I flashed her a weak smile and stood up. I ran my fingers through my raven locks and let out a sigh of relief. At least he's still breathing. I started to leave the hospital, I would visit Dave tomorrow when he was awake. As I went to the car, I notice the my cheeks were wet with tears, I hadn't even noticed I was crying.

    I sat myself in the car and hung my head, I could've prevented this. I should've been more convincing. NY the time my tear had dried up, light was creeping over the parking lot, and I was exhausted. I started the engine and drove home.

    I opened the front door and looked around, feeling lost. It was like a ghost town. Dave would usually be up by now, dragging me out of bed to do something with him. I sighed and went to the bedroom. He will be okay soon.

    I decided to rest and laid down. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows.


    When I woke up, the sun was high in the sky. I felt better and more relaxed. I went back to the hospital. Dave had been asking about me since he woke up. The nurses told me that he had childishly threw a fit at being held in the hospital.

    I smirked a walked into his hospital room, "Hey, honey."

    Dave looked at me and his entire demeanor brightened, "Hey! Where have you been?" His smile was completely contagious. I beamed.

    "I was really tired and slept most of the day. How are you feeling?"

    "I feel like shit because they told me I was really sick." He shook his head and frowned. "They said that part of my ribs chipped off and sliced my lungs. I just got out of surgery a few hours ago."

    I frowned and walked closer to him. Just as I was going to hold his hand another doctor walked in.

    "Good, you're both here, I have some news."

Life Goes On (JohnDave)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin