Other People Part One

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Dave's P.O.V.

    Yesterday, they told me that the cancer stopped spreading, so I told John that he should come see me. I felt a lot better and hopefully I can leave soon. Most of my hair grew back too. I looked so sick when I lost it. I shudder even thinking about it.

    "Dave!" John rushed into the room, pulling me out of my thoughts. He hugged me tightly, when he let me go, I saw Karkat in the doorway smiling at the scene. He looked a little sad though. I smiled at him and nodded in thanks. He just shook his head and left.

     "Hey, Johnny boy. How have you been?" I looked at John, who beamed at me. "I've been great, Karkat's helped me a lot, thanks for sending him over. I can't wait until you get out of here, I'm gonna take you somewhere."

    I chuckled, "Oh, really?"

    John nodded and sat on the bed with me. He was just so perfect. I probably wouldn't have made it through this with out him. I'm gonna marry him someday. Hopefully I don't fuck the proposal up. I pulled him towards me and held him, breathing him in. I can't wait to leave this place.

    Too early, the door opened and a grave looking doctor walked in, "Visiting has to be cut short now, you have to leave, son." He directed this at John, I sighed and let him go.

    "I see you later, babe. Don't miss me too much," I joked, but he just nodded sadly and left.

    "Dave," the doctor called for my attention, "this morning test result have been analyzed and double checked."

   "Yeah, and? C'mon, doc, don't hesitate, can I go home, or not?" I asked eagerly, hoping for the best. What could go wrong, I mean, the treatment worked, right?

    "Dave, the cancer spread faster, it is no longer just lung cancer, it's in your brain, your liver, and still spreading. There is nothing we can do, you only have three weeks. You can leave, but you still have to come back, every two weeks that pass, you have to come back."

    My heart stopped right then, what do I tell John? Should I tell him at all? He would be crushed. Hey, honey, I'm home, but I'm gonna die in a few weeks, so don't get too used to me! This sucks. What did I do to deserve this? Why me? All these questions and no answers. I had no clue that I was crying until a tear landed on my hand.

    A nurse came in with my clothes. After she left, I got dressed and decided to walk home. At least, that was my destination, but I didn't end up there, I just kept walking. It was pretty chilly out, but I breathed in the night air which was so much better than the recycled air of the hospital. No matter how much they cleaned the place, you could still smell death.

    And soon I would die there. It isn't fair, what did I do? Nothing, I didn't deserve this, I don't want to die! I turned to the sky and yelled as loud as possible, then looked at my surroundings. I was in a woods area, all I knew was that it was dark, cold, and lonely. I sat beneath a large tree, trying to figure out how to get home. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even remember the way I took to get here.

    "Hey, is someone in here?" Shit, someone heard me yelling. I heard dirt and rocks shuffle as a dark haired girl made her way to my position. I didn't really care either, I just sat with my head in my hands.

    "Hey, are you okay over there?" The girl shined her flashlight in my direction. I looked up and winced at the light, happy to have remembered my shades. "Yeah.... No."

    She sat against a tree across from me and pulled something from a sort of pack on her back. I heard a click and then saw soft light illuminating the area around us. She had a camping light.

    Her hair was a rich brown color, it was pretty long too. She had a soft face, coveted in freckles. Her skin was lightly tanned. The girl was wearing clothes that could only be described as adventurous. She was cute.

    "My name is Aradia, by the way." Her voice was nice. I sighed, "I'm Dave."

    She nodded in acknowledgment, "So, do you want to talk about it?" She cocked her head to the side and studied me.

    "I'm going to die, I have really bad cancer AMD less than a month to live. I don't feel like it's fair, and it's not, it is complete bullshit. I still have to tell my boyfriend that I can come home and that I'm going to die. I don't want to tell him though, mainly because it's not fair to him. I don't even think I should go home. As much as I would rather die happy with him, I don't think he would be very happy when it ended. I feel stupid for whatever I did to make this happen and I think that I should just kill myself instead of just waiting for my own death."

    I took a deep breath and stared over at Aradia. She seemed deep in thought, but all she said in response was, "Since you don't want to return home, you could stay here. I usually pack extra bedrolls in case I need them."

    I nodded more surprised than anything. She began to unpack the bedrolls. She laid hers by her tre and then threw me the one that I was to use. I unrolled it by my tree. I then looked at her and smiled a little, "Do you come around here often?" I chuckled to myself.

    "I kind of live here. It's the only home I've really ever belonged. I wouldn't leave if I could." Her eyes lit up a little as she talked about the woods.

   "Wait, what do you mean, you wouldn't leave if you could? You can't leave?" I questioned her words.

    She seemed to grow a bit nervous at me catching what she said. "I would have t-to restart my whole life. "You know, get a job, a place to stay. All that. It would be hard." She turned off the lamp, "Goodnight, Dave."

I nodded, "Yeah, same to you." I laid on the bedroll and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep, but not before hearing her sigh in relief.

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