Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry it took six months! All I can say is life is wild, y'all.


You stared at the sight in front of you in disbelief, no, denial. Biggs was slumped against the pillar's main column, eyes shut and completely still. You couldn't believe it. Just a moment ago his lips touched yours, and now, just like your lips, his skin was cold to the touch. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening...

"Biggs...?" You whispered, half in disbelief and half in shock. He didn't answer, he didn't move. And even though the sounds of gunshots and screams surrounded you, for one moment, it felt painfully silent. Deep down, you knew what this meant, but you refused to believe it. Your lip began to quiver.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" You whispered, cupping his face in your hands, "Wake up, please! Wake up!"

"Y/N," Cloud said softly.

You barely even registered his voice over your own desperate attempts to rouse Biggs from his unconscious state. Tears were pouring down your cheeks now, falling onto Biggs' bloodstained shirt and pants as you brought him into tour arms. He meant everything to you, how could this be happening?

"Don't die on me! Please, oh God, just open your eyes!" You shouted, shaking his chest slightly. Still nothing. He was gone.

Finally, the dam burst and you broke down into a sobbing mess, pressing your face into his chest as if looking for his comfort, and yet none came with the gesture. You held onto him tight, unwilling to give him up just yet. He loved you, and you loved him, why did it have to end like this?

"Y/N," Cloud said. You heard him, but didn't acknowledge him.

"Y/N," he said louder, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Shut up!" You snapped. For another moment it was painfully silent. Regret flooded your body, somewhat of a relief from the heartbreaking grief; you didn't mean to make things so tense, "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-"

"It's ok," he interrupted.

Cloud's eyes were glassy too, just barely enough for you to notice, but you did. He had a tight grip on your shoulder, but when you had looked at him he seemed to freeze, no longer confident in handling the situation. He glanced from you, to Biggs, then back to you.

"Get out of here," he said, not in his usual aloof tone, but an awkward, almost compassionate one, "It's what he would've wanted."

You didn't answer at first, instead staring at the man you loved in his pitiful position against the pillar. He, along with the rest of your team, was your everything. And now he was gone and they were still in danger. Staring at the deep crimson puddle growing around his body, you felt the pit in your stomach grow deeper. Every time you thought your heartache had reached its peak, you were proven wrong. You tried to look away, but you couldn't.

"Cloud..." you managed to say.

"Yeah?" He replied, his thumb and fingers digging into your shoulder so tight it almost hurt.

"I don't... I don't know if you can stop the plate from dropping," you looked back up at him "But please... just get Jessie and Barrett out of there."

He held your gaze another moment before nodding. The strong grip on your shoulder fell away as he got up, and he took one last glance at Biggs before heading to the staircase.

Just as he reached the base of the stairs, he looked back at you expectantly.

"Y/N," he warned.

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