Chapter 7

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You hissed as Jessie wiped one of your scraped arms with a pad of alcohol. The two of you were in the bathroom of her mother's house as she worked to clean up your wounds.

"Don't be such a baby," she whispered, and for a moment you stood there, staring at her. She really had the nerve... But then she looked up at you, signature smirk revealing that she was just playing, "Bet you wish someone else was cleaning you up instead."

"Jessie..." you warned. She was right, though, and it could've been that way too if she hadn't gotten in the way of it. Biggs had offered to clean you up, but Jessie insisted she do it instead of him. You understood why, though. Biggs was her fake boyfriend, part of her cover story for her mom, and if either of you got too close to each other, it would be an obvious lie.

"Tell me I'm wrong." She said. You couldn't, but you played it off with an exasperated sigh and a roll of the eyes.

There was a lull in the mostly one-sided conversation, as Jessie concentrated on wrapping bandages around your arm. As she finished one arm, she moved to tend to the other. And when she was done with that, she looked at you expectantly, hands on her hips. When you expressed confusion, she tilted her head.

"You're welcome," she said, and you got the hint.

"Thanks, Jessie," you laughed.

"Now, why don't you let me look at your hip?" She said, smacking it with her palm. It took the breath out of your lungs.

"Son of a-" you blurted out in pain, thankfully stopping before you finished the sentiment. Hopefully no one heard that... but you couldn't focus on it anyway, because the sharp pain in your side had put you into a cold sweat. You tried to control your shallow breathing as you waited for it to pass.  There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"You two ok on there?" A voice asked, it was Biggs. Then they all must have heard it, how embarrassing...

"We're just fine!" She reassured through the door. Then she turned back to you, whispering, "why didn't you tell me it was that bad!"

"Because I didn't think you were going to slap it!" you whispered back, "Besides, I can walk on it fine, it just hurts to touch."

She pulled the side of your pants down.

"Jessie!" You scolded her, even though she only exposed your hip. She ignored you, instead focusing on your injury. You looked down at it for the first time, and just like you expected, it was a nice shade of red. It was too early to be bruised, but you fully expected the skin to appear purple and black tomorrow.

"You really did get hurt," she said, poking and prodding gently to see when you flinched, and you swatted her hands away because those pokes and prods still really hurt. "You're lucky nothing got broken."

"Hardly call myself lucky. Not recently, at least."

"You may not realize it, but you're luckier than you think," She held your gaze, a serious expression on her face instead of the usual devious one, "Well, I've done all I can. Let's go get some pizza, shall we?"

Both of you exited the bathroom and were met with the eyes of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie's mother. Man, this felt awkward.

"I see you're all cleaned up, Y/N," Jessie's mother said from the kitchen, "I can't believe you got all those scrapes from when you tripped!"

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