Chapter 3

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This was definitely a mistake, you thought. Your anxiety made you toss and turn, but you didn't want to keep him up all night, which, in turn, caused more anxiety. You quietly moved to face away from him, and instead, look at the covered window. Every time you looked over at the window, you remembered the dream. Could it have been a premonition? Could he be just outside the house right now, waiting for the right moment to break in?

"Worrying all night is not going to solve anything," the voice beside you said.

"I know," you sighed, "but I can't seem to stop."

"Come here."

"What?" You turned over to face him. You must have heard him wrong, because you could've sworn you heard him say-

"Come here." He laid his arm across your pillow, beckoning you closer, "Unless you're not comfortable with this, then we'll just forget about it."

You hesitated. Nothing now or ever had prepared you for this circumstance. Biggs, your team member and the man you had a crush on, was inviting you into his arms. And he was staring at you, waiting for a response.

You hesitantly scooted closer to him, yet still kept some distance. Even though he was initiating it, you didn't want to cross any boundaries or look too eager. Your breath caught in your throat when his arm wrapped around you back, pulling you even closer. You froze under his touch, heart beating out of your chest.

"Are you sure you're ok with this? You're stiff as a board."

"Sorry," you said, letting go of the breath trapped in your lungs , "guess I'm just not used to this."

"To be honest, me neither," he admitted, a small chuckle forming at the end of his words.

"Really?" You wondered aloud, "I wouldn't have expected that."

"What do you mean?"

"I just thought maybe you-" you caught yourself, "Never mind."

"No, I want to hear it."

"There's no appropriate way to phrase it."

"Be blunt with it, then."

"I just always assumed you got a lot of action."

For some reason that made him chuckle, and you could feel the warm vibration of his chest from under you.

"What makes you think that?"

A lot of things made you think that. For example, he was smart, caring, VERY attractive, good with kids, the list could go on and on. But he didn't need to know that. Who ever said he reciprocated your little crush?

"Compared to a lot of guys around here, you're a total catch."

"A catch, huh?" He hummed, you could practically hear the smirk in his words.

"Don't let it go to your head. Most of the guys around here don't wash their asses."

His low rumble of a laugh resonated under you again; you quite enjoyed the feeling. A small smile formed on your lips as you adjusted to get more comfortable.

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