Chapter 14

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It had been a while since you and Tifa woke up in what you could only call a dungeon. The cold, stone room was filled to the brim with torture devices. Looking around your nightmarish surroundings raised two questions: Who did Corneo use these devices on? And would you or Tifa be one of those people? You didn't want to think about that.

You had already apologized to Tifa a hundred times for dragging her into this mess, and every time she would reassure you that everything would be all right. It only seemed to make you feel worse, though. She was going through the same shit as you and still felt the need to console you from the problem you caused. You hoped she was right, though. That everything would be alright. You didn't know what you would do if she were wrong.

If the two of you did make it out alive, you still didn't know if you could forgive yourself for what had happened. When Tifa volunteered to help, you should have refused her. In fact, you shouldn't have even suggested going into the Corneo mansion in the first place. Most of the team was against the idea; you should've listened to them. And now you didn't know if you'd see any of them again. Biggs was especially against the idea, and you felt like a fool for taking such a risk. Biggs... you never really got to admit your feeling to him. Sure, you snuck a peck on his cheek before you left, but that wasn't a real confession. What if he took it platonically?

Either way, it was too late now...

The doors to the dungeon opened. You stood up on instinct, preparing yourself to face whoever was coming down. Tifa seemed to do the same, readying her fists in front of her.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you," a voice called.

Multiple figures came down the stairs: Three lackeys and two more girls for the audition. One of the lackeys carried an unconscious brunette over his shoulder while another dragged a rather muscular blonde down the steps. The third lackey held a gun, aiming it between you and Tifa.

"Just stay where you are and everything's gonna be just fine," The man said.

You weren't about to test him, so you kept still as the two lackeys carried in the other girls, setting them down onto the cold stone floor. Once they were done and had headed back up the stairs, the man with the gun slowly made his way up, too. He kept the weapon trained on either one of you the whole time you were within eyesight, and even then, he kept it held out beside him just in case of a sneak attack. Once he made it out of the dungeon, he slammed the door behind him.

As soon as he had left, Tifa fell to the side of the blonde, checking on her to make sure she was ok. 

You glanced over at the brunette. At first glance, she seemed fine, but you couldn't be sure until you checked. Who knows, she could've had a bad reaction to the gas.

Kneeling down by her side, you placed two fingers onto her neck. The strong pulse felt underneath set you at ease; she was probably fine.

Upon closer inspection you noticed the woman was gorgeous, a true natural beauty with delicate features. You and Tifa had stiff competition, that was for sure. Though you didn't think anyone really wanted to win.

The blonde was beginning to stir, making soft groans as she regained consciousness. Tifa leaned over the woman just as her lids fluttered open.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Tifa asked, and the woman jumped away from her.

"Tifa?" The blonde asked in a voice you vaguely recognized. You turned you attention away from the brunette in order to watch their interaction. Her voice sounded oddly deep for a woman, though you weren't going to judge. Why did she sound so familiar?And how did she know Tifa?

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