Chapter 10

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Staying at Jessie's was surprisingly less stressful than you thought. Since she had to finish the bomb for tomorrow's mission, she was much more no-nonsense then usual. It was a weird side of her to see, her only making jokes and teasing half as often as usual, and even then, she didn't carry anything on. It was both nice, since you and Biggs have been her main targets recently, and a little unsettling. Maybe something was wrong with her?

As soon as you had got to her house, (and after she flirted with the mercenary) she heated up a quick little meal for the both of you, though you insisted you weren't that hungry as her mother had just done the same. She didn't listen, and you couldn't complain; it was really good. She definitely got that skill from her mother.

After that, she got her room ready for the two of you to sleep in. Once Biggs found out that the two of you would share her bed instead of one of her roommates' beds, he tried to argue his way onto the couch. He didn't think it was right to take her bed, and it just made more sense for you and her to share it instead of you and him. You knew from the previous night not to argue about it, though you did feel guilty taking her bed too. Jessie stayed firm. "Because you're my guests!" She said, but you could see that devious little smirk on her face.

She made sure to acquaint you with her room, bathroom, and kitchen, since she would need to concentrate that night and didn't want to be disturbed with an onslaught of questions. With that, she permitted you to use anything of hers you needed. Then, she gave you both a pair of clean clothes to wear to bed (Biggs recieved an ex's old clothes) and she would later wash your dirty clothes for tomorrow's mission.

After all that was done, and in lightning speed since she had work to do, she sat down at her kitchen table, readying supplies to finish the bomb. Biggs observed this, watching her carefully until she noticed his not-too-subtle gaze.

"I'm going to finish making this bad-boy, and then I'm going to bed," she started, "You two should get some sleep, too. You've got an early morning ahead of you."

"That's a good idea," you replied, turning on your heels to get ready for bed. Biggs, on the other hand, kept his eyes glued her hands as they fiddled with the wiring.

"Do you need any help?" He asked her, and she stared at him a moment before giving him a quizzical look.

"I appreciate the offer, but... do you actually know anything about bomb making?"

"Well... no," he admitted. You couldn't help but notice how strange he was acting.

"Biggs," you said, and he finally turned to you. His eyes were filled to the brim with worry, about tomorrow's mission no doubt. His overthinking was no secret to anyone, though he only ever showed it when it got really bad. Now was one of those times. You placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to ease some of his nervous tension, "We should probably get some sleep. If we want to do our best on the mission tomorrow, we need to get some rest."

"Yeah, Y/N's right. I think I can handle this alone, but thanks for the offer."

He stared into your eyes, and then looked back at Jessie, before nodding silently. You held onto his arm as the two of you entered Jessie's room, closing the door behind you.

"You're worried about tomorrow, aren't you?" You asked. He stayed silent for a moment, taking a seat on the bed and taking a deep breath. You followed him to the bed.

"Y/N, do you believe in omens?" He asked. You were taken aback by the question.

"Well... I don't know," you sat down beside him, "I'm guessing you do?"

"I don't know," he said, and you laughed softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. It was still so tense.

"Then you shouldn't have to worry."

Creep (FFVII Biggs x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz