Chapter 8

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"Raise hell," was what Jessie said. A simple, yet effective description of your current mission. Thing is, your team had never been told to raise hell before. Usually, you were told the opposite. In all of your previous missions, it was imperative to not raise hell or else get caught and ruin the mission or worse, lose your life. This was going to be interesting.

The four of you crept around the corner, staring out at the security checkpoint that lay directly in front of you. Something was off about the scene...

"Where are the guards?" Cloud asked. He was right, there wasn't a soul in sight. Even the guard booths appeared empty. Definitely a red flag.

From there the group scurried towards the guard booth, heads ducked just in case there was a troop they had missed. You and your friends crouched against the wall, just below the window and out of sight. Wedge was the first to peer into the booth.

He let out a small scream, and you slapped your hand over his mouth. Cloud grabbed the boy by the wrist and yanked him out of sight. So much for being subtle... But if there were someone outside, they would've been provoked by Wedge's scream. The seconds slipped by painfully slow as your group waited to see if anyone would come looking for the source of the sound, no one did. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, hand falling away from Wedge's mouth.

Biggs looked inside the guard booth himself, noticing the only Shinra troop was either dead or unconscious on the floor. He ducked back down quick.

"Looks like someone beat us here," he said, voice a low growl.

"And I don't think it was Jessie!" Wedge added. Biggs shook his head.

"This had better not get in the way of our plans..."

Cloud slowly stood up, glancing around for any sign of life before looking down at the three people below him.

"It won't," he said simply.

"And you're sure about that?" You asked, scanning your surroundings as you stood up to his level. Once you were completely content that no one was around, you crossed your arms and stared up at the SOLDIER. He only nodded, and you studied his face, unable to read him. "Then let's go."

Biggs noticed your extended glance at the mercenary, and as the four of you moved to your next position, he made sure to slide between you and Cloud.

You couldn't help but notice his proximity as well as the brush of his hand against yours as the two of you walked side-by-side. You wondered if he noticed too. His hand was so close to yours, you could just grab it if you wanted... You mentally slapped yourself, now was not the time or place for a stupid crush.

"Don't see anyone here, what the hell happened?" Biggs asked, taking another glance at his surroundings. The usually heavily-guarded security entrance was lifeless. It was and eerie sight, which he couldn't seem to get over. Something was wrong, and the fact that he didn't know what it was only made his concern grow.

"Jessie's supposed to circling 'round back, right?" Wedge asked, worry lacing his tone. You nodded to him.

As you leaned against the wall that stood just before the warehouse gate, you tried to ready yourself for what would happen next. Sure, there weren't any guards outside the building, but there was no way that would ring true on the inside. There were too many valuable thing in that warehouse, so Shinra probably had a whole militia in there to keep it all safe. As soon as Cloud walked into those gates, all hell would break loose. Just like Jessie wanted.

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