Chapter 15

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As the three of you approached the door to Don Corneo's bedroom, you heard the tail end of a conversation. Curious, you stopped by the door to listen in. Aerith did the same, cupping her ear against the door.

The Don sounded angry. He was yelling at whoever else was in the room with him, you assumed it was Cloud. Whatever was going down in there, it was getting messy.

Then Corneo raised his voice louder so that it could be heard outside of the room.

"One of you get in here and teach this bitch some manners!" He yelled. You looked back at Tifa and Aerith, gaining their approval, before the three of you bust the doors open.

"Sorry, but you boys had to learn some manners too," Tifa said, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"What the-" Corneo began, but he was cut off by Aerith.

"Cloud!" She yelled, bringing the sack and buster sword to him, "Your clothes!"

Cloud took the bag and began stripping off his clothing, much to your surprise and to the excitement of the Don, who began panting on the bed. Luckily cloud wore most of his uniform under the dress, and all that was in the bag was his external gear.

Cloud yanked the braids out of his hair and then wiped away the pale pink lipstick before putting on his leather gloves and placing his sword on his back. Then he turned around, crossing his arms against his chest and staring down Corneo.

"What?" Corneo gasped, though he quickly regained his composure, "So you're a man, huh? What are you three up to?"

"We'll ask the questions," Tifa said, "Like: why'd you have men in Sector 7 asking questions about Avalanche?"

Corneo adjusted his position on the bed to get more comfortable, or casual even. He didn't seem to be very afraid, "Huh? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me," Tifa crossed her arms against her chest, taking a few menacing step forward, "Let's try again. Why did you have men in Sector 7 asking about avalanche? Spill it, or..."

"I'll cut 'em off," Cloud said, placing his hand on the grip of his sword. Corneo shivered at the prospect.

"Alright, alright! I'll talk! I'll talk!" Corneo shouted, scooting further back on his bed. He heaved a sigh, "Some guy with a gun for an arm— I was paid to find him."

"Paid by who?" Tifa tilted her head.

"I can't tell you that! They'd hunt me down like a dog!"

"You're already a dog..." you said.

"Oh, I'm a dog alright..." he growled, sending a wink your way, "But I won't talk"

"Well you better..." Tifa said, "cause if you don't..."

"I'll rip 'em off!" Aerith yelled. As if things couldn't get more surprising.

Corneo flinched, a shiver shooting up his spine as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"It was the director of public security! Heidegger! It was Heidegger!" He said.

"And what were they planning?" Tifa said.

"Some things are better left unsaid, ya know?"

"See, I'm not so sure they are. Better keep talking..." Aerith said, despite her cheery disposition, she actually sounded threatening this time.

"Or I'll smash em," Tifa said, placing a boot onto the bed.

Corneo recoiled with a whine, before turning back to your group with a much more calm expression. A sinister laugh bubbled off of his lips.

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