The roarin 20's

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Auther chan here i havent uploaded in so long but heres a new chapter for anyone still wanting to read this. Anyway this is set when husk and alastor meet in the 1920's when they where human. Husk is called harrison fisher and alastor is
Alastor. Anyways lets get on with the story.

Husks pov
Another borin day at work they come in drink, leave. I can't really complain. Easy work. I wiped down the bar for the twentyith time today as i let my bored mind wander. I saw a man walk in but paid no mind to it as he sat down. After i had finished i looked up at the man to take in his apperance. He had brunette hair that was fluffed up at one side. His skin tone was an pale white with pink accents on his cheeks. Red tinted glasses stood on the bridge of his nose and a perminant smile plastered on his face. In short he was cute to say the least.
"Waddaya want?" I asked in my gruff monotone voice.
"Courvoisier my fine fellow" he replied in a cheerful tone. I rollied my eyes and made him his drink. He hummed and looked around. Like there is anything interesting to see. I passed him his drink and he nodded his head as a thank you. I polished some glasses as he continued to hum his tune much to my liking.
"You should smile more my dear" he spoke abruptly. I looked to him slightly startled by his overburst a perminant frown still on my face.
"Your never fully dressed without one!" He motioned to his smile that grew slightly. I only rolled my eyes much to his disliking.
"Whats your name darling?" He tried to start a conversation with me. Key word tried.
"Whats it to ya.?" I grumbled his happy personality starting to get on my nerves. He seemed down heartened by my response continuing to drink but still with a smile. I huffed before giving in.
"Harrison. But my friend calls me husk."
"Husker!" He exclaimed "what a wonderful name" he smiled brightly at me. I scowled.
"Husk. Not husker."
"Right.. well thank you for the drink i'll be taking my leave now" he said walking to the door. I muttered a goodbye. He opened the door. "Tata for now husker dear" he waved before walking out. I grumbled continuing my work but not before a small smile crept onto my face as i thought about the smiling stranger that approached me that morning.

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