sick day

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Alastor woke up the next day to see that Husk wasn't there so he got up quickly to go find him. He got changed, grabbed his cane then walked downstairs to see husk and angel drunkenly swaying side to side on the couch. Alastor raised his eyebrow questioningly before speaking. "What are you doing?" Alastor questioned "He said he could get drunker than me" Husk moaned. Angel smirked. "We bet drunk Alastor!" Husk smirked "That's not going to happen i'm not getting drunk"
"Come on Alastor it'll be fun..." Husk grinned
"Persuade me" Alastor smirked putting both his hands on his cane.
"Erm if you can prove you can get drunk with us i will... give you a french kiss!" Husk grinned blushing slightly. Alastor giggled noticing Husks blush.
"Alright fine" Alastor held out his hand.
"Woohoo" Husk handed a bottle of cheap booze who jugs it instantly.
"Hell yeah" passes another then Alastor downs it again. "Haha keep it up" Husk passes another bottle and Alastor downs it once again. "Its fun getting drunk ain't it Al?" Hands another bottle to Al who looks unsteady. He drinks it before passing out. "ALASTOR SHIT!"Husk shouts before rushing over to him. Charlie runs downstairs to see Angel drunk and Husk over a unconscious Alastor.
"What happened!?" Charlie screams
"Alastor got drunk and passed out don't worry i'll look after him." Husk whispered
"Well clean this up its gross" Charlie sighed going back upstairs. Husk picked up Alastor.
"Will ya help Angel?!" Husk quietly yelled. Angel walked over trying to help but kept wobbling.
"Just stop you'll hurt him just do whatever" Husk carried Alastor upstairs before placing him on the bed giving him a tender kiss. Husk walked over to the armchair in the corner before keeping a eye on alastor and slowly falling asleep.

Time skip brought to you by husk carrying a unconscious Alastor

Husk woke up first then Alastor started stirring. "Mornin mister" Husk got up and walked over Alastor.
"What happened?" Alastor heaved himself up clutching his head.
"I made you get drunk and you kinda passed out. I'm sorry Al"
"But i promised i'll do something in return" Husk grabs Alastor head giving him a ruff and passionate french kiss.
"I-its okay" Alastor replied flushed. Husk smirks at how flustered Alastor is.
"Al stay here and lay down your not good with getting drunk and Angels gonna keep an eye on you. I'll get you guys some food." With that Husk walked out. Alastor looks to Angel threateningly. Husk sticks his head back in the door and shouts "you do anything to him and your dead!" He points to angel before going downstairs and into the kitchen. Alastor took his legs out of his sheets and swung his legs around and onto the floor grimacing.
"That was quite a show you put on there" Angel smirked walking over.
"Shut up angel it was worth it!" Alastor groaned. "You know what husk will do!"
"Yeah yeah he'll kill me but he isn't a overlord so he can't kill me can he?" Angel walked even closer putting a elongated hand under his chin giving Alastor a toothy grin. Alastor scowled at Angel. Husk opened the door to see a uncomfortable alastor being seduced by a slutty angel.
"Angel fuck off right now before i hit you over the head with a bottle!" Husk barked. Angel quickly got the memo and left. Husk growled whilst he was going away and sat down next to Alastor who had a overhanging head. Husk gave Alastor a hug and cuddle up to him.
"I've got you some jambalaya!"Husk exclaimed grinning.
"Thanks but no thanks but I'm getting my vision back slowly..." Alastor pulled himself up trying to walk to the door but wobbling profusely. Husk quickly got up putting a arm around Alastor, feeling him shaking, and putting his other free hand up to Alastors forehead.
"Your boiling!" Husk took Alastor back to his bed.
"Really Husker I'm fine just got a bit of a cold." Alastor lied. Husks brows furrowed as Alastor grinned.
"I'll go get you a wet flannel try to get some sleep please!" Alastor grimaced at the thought.
"Fine." Alastor sighed rapping himself in his quilt. Husk walked out to be greeted my Niffty.
"Hello is something wrong with Alastor?" She churped
"He's got a fever and is refusing to eat" Husk got the wet towel and started back upstairs with Niffty close behind. He opened Alastors door and closed it on niffty not wanting her to see Alastor unwell. He heard some annoyed mumbling from outside before going to Alastor. Alastor was rolling around uncomfortably he hated seeing him like this. He placed the wet flannel on his head before leaving quietly. Niffty was outside looking angry.
"I don't want you to see him unwell." Husk explained as Nifftys eyes softened.
"Here you should tell Charlie she'll be able to help!"
"Thanks Niffty" Niffty smiles before going off to clean. Husk goes downstairs to see Charlie on her phone. Husk walks up to her and got her attention.
"What's up Husk?" Charlie smiles
"Alastors got a fever and isn't eating and i don't know what to do!" Husk shouted quietly.
"That's odd of him he usually hides that.." Charlie looked deep in thought.
"He tried to but i know him to well" Husk grinned.
We will have to go into town but who will look after Alastor?" Charlie wondered.
"Okay lets go then" Charlie grabbed Husk dragging him away from the hotel and down the road into town.
"Where should we start?" Charlie put a hand onto her chin.
"Angel said sutten about fucking a doctor who has a pharmacy nearby." Husk growled
"Huh i guess Angel can be useful" Charlie muttered. Husk let out a hearty laugh. Charlie and Husk walked down the street to be greeted by a small green and white pharmacy. Inside was a grey bird like demon with one black and red heart shaped iris and one normal eye. (Also a hazbin hotel character)
"Hello what can i do for you today?" He spoke gruffly.
"Hi we're lookin for somethin to cure fever?" Husk asked
"Yes we have some ibuprofen for you here that'll be five pounds!" He held out a winged hand. Charlie placed some money in his hand and then took the box. "Thanks charlie!" Husk grinned. They walked out the shop and Charlie spoke up.
"E-erm h-husk" Charlie stuttered out.
"What's wrong?" Husks brows furrowed.
"I-I just remembered Vaggies gonna be out all day." Charlie rubbed the back of her neck.
"WHAT!" Husk yelled grabbing Charlie and legging it back to the hotel. Opening the doors Alastor was sitting at the bar with a smirking Angel getting ever so close to him.
"ANGEL I SWEAR TO GOD GET OFF ME!" Alastor suddenly shrieked.
Husk growled stepping inside. Alastor looked up and saw his boyfriend and quickly walked over with less stumbling than before.
"We got you some medicine." Husk gave Alastor the box quietly looking down at his feet.
"oh good" Alastor smiles then it fades. He put a cylindrical hand under Husks chin lifting his head up. Alastor smiles. Husk grins softly studing his features. He still looked as happy as ever even though he has bags under his eyes and is poorly.
"Sorry for leaving you with Angel and making you sick.." Husk sighed
"Its not your fault Husk"
But it is i was the one who told you to get drunk even though you don't like to.." Husk grimaced
"I was the one who agreed to it but it was all worth it!" Alastor laughed.
"Worth getting sick" Husks brows furrowed. Alastor smirked before bending down and planting a kiss on Husks lips. Husk blushed deeply as Charlie and Angel was watching in the back. Husk pulled away grinning at Alastor.
"Well now i get to look after you!" Alastor laughed nodding at Husks words.
"Ooo i could make you some soup that makes anyone feel better and its preferable you eat it what one would you like?" Husk mumbled.
"Tomato." Alastor replied. Husk left to go make it and Alastor sat down the sofa. Husk came out with a bowl of tomato soup and a glass of water for the pill. He ate and took the pill before Husk took him to bed to recover faster before going to sleep himself.
1415 words 😱

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