morning cuddles

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Husk lumbered downstairs in his pj's sitting behind the bar. His head was drooped and eyes heavy "Sooo" Alastor hisses. Husk turns his head away remaining silent. Alastor causes a bottle of cheap booze to appears in Husks hand. He looks up surprised. "Thanks"
"Lets hope Angel doesn't come down" right as he said that Angel came down with a smug grin. Alastor stands in front of husk. Husk then puts his head on Alastors shoulder. "Nothing happened by the way. Angel was annoying me all night." Husk exclaimed "oh thank god" Alastor heeved  "why do you care?" Husk asked in curiosity "can't i look out for you Husker?" Husk chuckled lightly. "By the way Husker your ears are pretty fluffy" Alastor smirks stroking Husks ears turning around. "E-er so are y-yours" he stuttered out blushing. His ears were twitching under Alastors touch. "A-al?" Husk inquired
"Yes Husker?" Alastor blushed.
"Why are you touching my ears?" Husk questioned. "Well your head is on my shoulders" Alastor replied. Husk blushes more "s-sorry"
"For what?"
"T-Touching you" Husk removed his head silently looking up at Alastor with blush covering his face. Alastor noticed.
'Wait he liked me touching him?!' Alastor thinks. "No its okay" Alastor dragged him over to the sofa in the lobby, sitting him down Alastor puts Husks head on his shoulder. Husk starts purring uncontrollably from how content he is. "Do you want me to stroke your ears again~?" Alastor
"Y-Yes please" Husk purrs
"I won't let Angel come near you EVER again" Alastor sneers. Husk smiles at how protective he is. Alastor smiles back before Husk rubs his head into his torso. Alastor blushes a cherry red but keeps stroking. Husks eyes started drooping but this time he didn't fight it and fell asleep in Alastors arms.
Wow i didn't know husk could be so affectionate. Alastor thought. Alastor looks around to spot Angel watching. "Lets keep this to ourselves dear?" Alastor commands with a hint of malice in his voice. Angel walks away smirking. Husk wiggles in his sleep letting out a little chirp.
'Omg he's so cute I'm gonna start exploding from cuteness' Alastor thought before cuddling into him and watching over him.

Time skip to a few hour later.

Husk eerily opened his eyes."Morning beautiful I'm glad you got some decent sleep!" Alastor cheered.
"Hello a-al" Husk smiled turning his head away to hide the reddening of his cheeks.
"Hello my dear husker" Alastor smirks at how flustered he was. Husk blushes more of how close they are to each other. He turned his head back to see Alastor blushing.
I'm gonna tease him to see how he likes it!" Husk thought
"Anything wrong Husker?" Alastor  questioned
"No nothing darling~" Husk teased rubbing his head into the crook of his neck. Alastor giggled "good~"
'How did that not effect him at all!' Husk mentally yelled. Husk shuddered. "You seem cold my dear~" Alastor says whilst taking off his jacket and laying it over a blushing husk. They huddle up together as Alastor strokes his head and Husk purrs. "T-Thank you" Husk sighs wrapping his wings and tail around Alastor.
"I-i love you smiles" Husk blurts out. "I..i love you too my darling Husker." Alastor looks around for any sight of Vaggie, Angel or Charlie before getting a unaware kiss. Alastor looked down to see Husk had bured his face into Alastors jacket.
'Oh my god.... Oh wow.... did that... really just happen!' Alastor cried mentally. A cough came from above him he looked up to see Charlie frowning. "Oh hey Charlie" he greeted
Oh fucking shit! Husk shouted mentally. Charlie sighed before speaking "well i can't stop you from liking each other... and the both of you aren't here for my cause... i'll allow it but no sex!" Charlie ranted
'Do i look like angel dust!' Alastor thought.
"Hmm fair enough" Alastor waved Charlie off as he smiled at Husk who had unburied himself and was as red as a tomato. "I'm so sorry i shouldn't of done that i don't know what came over me do you even like me maybe I'm just sick" Husk doubts himself.
"Husker look at me for a second." Alastor sighs as Husk looks at him frowning. Alastor kisses him and cuddles up to Husk. Husk did the same wrapping his wings and tail onto Alastor.
"Your wings are so soft!" Alastor chuckles feeling his feathery wings.
Then a Vaggie and bratty looking Angel walk in.
'This ain't good by all means' Alastor worries. Husk wines moving away from Alastor looking down.
'I don't want to attract any attention to me and Alastor with Vaggie and even more so Angel.' Husk shivers thinking about Angel. Alastor moves up to Husk cuddling him.
'I don't care if Vaggie sees i will protect what's mine!' Alastor growls. Vaggie and Angel continue to squabble with each other and Alastor places a kiss on Husks cheek.

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