Chapter 16: CDC

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The next morning they were on their way to the CDC. They left Jim along the road tied to a tree. It's how he wanted to go and it was his decision. They pulled up to the CDC. "Here goes nothin'," Maria sighed. Daryl got out and held the door open for her. "Take this." He handed her a shotgun. "And this," he pulled out his buck knife, letting her take it as well. They started walking toward the doors, only for them to be down and locked. Hazel went over and stood next to Maria. Daryl started yelling at Rick about how it was a dead end, while Shane insisted on Fort Benning. Lori was holding Carl and yelling too. Daryl notified the group about the oncoming walkers. "C'mon lets go. These assholes wanna stay and get killed let 'em," Daryl said pulling Maria and Hazel away from the CDC, then the doors opened and a bright white light was revealed.

"Anyone infected?" A man asked aiming a gun at the group. "One of us was," Rick explained why they came here and the price of admission was a blood test. The man's name was Dr. Edwin Jenner. The group piled into the elevator and went to the room to take the blood test. "Doctors always go around packin' heat like that?" Daryl asked. "Enough were laying around. Decided I should familiarize myself with one. But you look harmless enough. Except you, I'll have to keep an eye on you." Jenner said to Carl. Maria went first and got her blood taken, then Daryl and the rest of the group went. Andrea went last and almost passed out due to not having any food in her system. Jenner led them to a kitchen and let the group take whatever. Maria saw a bottle of wine and knew Daryl would be drinking tonight. She didn't mind that he drank, but if he was mad and drank, he got a little angry and out of hand. He never hit her, he just yelled a lot. "Booyah!" Daryl yelled taking a drink of wine, bringing Maria out of her thoughts. He was a happy drunk tonight and Maria was thankful. "Keep on drinkin' little man. I wanna see how red yer' face can get!" Daryl said to Glenn. He was laughing and it was almost like he forgot what happen between him and Glenn. "I love you," Daryl said kissing just below her ear. Shane was rambling about what happened at the CDC and all Maria could think about was that Daryl was pressed up tightly behind her and kissing the back of her neck. Jenner led the group down the halls and said there was hot water. "Ya' wanna shower?" Daryl asked holding her hips. "Yeah." She smiled. "Grandma you okay showerin' by yourself?" She asked, taking hold of Hazel's hand. "Yes, dear. The doctor said they had bathtubs. You have a good night." Hazel kissed Maria's hand and went into a room with Lori and Carol. Going into the room that Daryl picked out for them, she got the shower ready, adjusting the temperature. She moaned as the water ran down her face and over her back. "Ya don't even make that noise when we fuck," Daryl said stepping in the shower. "Oh hush," she smiled and playfully covered his mouth with her hand. She knew that Daryl was joking. Maria washed her hair twice and shaved which was something she desperately needed. Daryl got out of the shower and his hair was in all directions. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went to their room, taking a swig of wine. The scars on his back were showing, although he didn't care when he was around Maria. She knew the full story and wasn't bothered by it. It did hurt her though that someone did that to him, but Daryl got angry if she babied him about it. She walked up behind him and kissed one of the scars that went from his shoulder to his mid-back. Some of these scars weren't from Daryl's dad though, some were from Maria. They liked to screw around a lot and sometimes Maria ended up scratching his back. "I'm sorry I did that too ya'," Maria said tracing the fingernail scars on his shoulders and mid-back. Daryl turned around and kissed her. "S'okay. As long as you enjoyed yourself." He winked and pulled her in for a hug as she laughed into his chest, "This is the first night we don't have to worry about the walkers trying to attack us. We're in here and they're out there." Maria was elated that she and Daryl could spend some alone time together. Daryl ran his hand through her now clean hair. It was starting to curl which was something Daryl loved about her hair. It was naturally curly. It wasn't long before they were tangled in the sheets, loving each other and enjoying themselves. Maria soon fell asleep and Daryl passed out afterward due to the alcohol.

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