26. Family

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a/n: Siaani and Ayla are 3 years apart, I forgot to put her age in the previous chapter(s).

"Mommy! I'm hungry." Siaani sighed as I walked down the spiral staircase with a crying kamal in my arms.

Three weeks after the wedding, I found out that I was pregnant. With our first son, Josiah.

I suffered four miscarriages than 2 years later, I was pregnant again with our second son, Kamal.

Ayla is 16 years old, Siaani is 13 years old, Josiah is 11 years old, and Kamal is 9 years old.

Two years after I had Josiah, Markeyvius brought us a new 7 bedroom, 7.5 bath home.

The house has a movie room, an open (floor plan) kitchen, a huge living room, an indoor/outdoor pool, a basketball court, a game room, two offices; one for me, one for Markeyvius, and a playroom/hangout for the girls. The house has two car garages and a secret passageway for security purposes.

"Okay baby, dinner will be ready in 20 minutes." I informed her, she nodded and went back to watching tv. I went into the kitchen to check on dinner. I put Kamal in his high chair.

I turned off the stove seeing that everything was cooked, I called the kids down for dinner. "Lala, set the table for dinner, please." She nodded and sat the dinning table.

"Ma, when is dad coming home?" Sia asked playing with a giggling Kamal. "good question, let me go you call him?" she nodded.

I went upstairs to the master bedroom to get my phone, I found it on the nightstand and dialed his number. He picked up to the fourth ring.

"yeah, baby?"

"When are you coming home? Me and the kids are about to eat."

He took a deep breath and exhaled, "I'm sorry baby. I'm gonna be home later than expected."

I rolled my eyes and exhaled deeply. "Okay. Love you."

"Love you too, kiss the kids for me."

Shaking my head, I hung up the phone, walked out of the bedroom, and back downstairs. "Ma the table is set. Is da on his way?" Ayla asked coming out of the dining room.

"No baby, he's working late."

"Again. He's always working late. I wish he'd retire already." Ayla asked annoyedly, rolling her eyes.

"I know, baby. I know. I'll talk to him about it okay. Let's eat before dinner gets cold." She nodded. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked into the dinning room and ate.

| hours later |

I had just put Kamal to bed when I heard the front door open and close. I turned Kamal's light off and went downstairs to find Markeyvius in the kitchen.

"Your plate is in the oven." I said leaning in the doorway. He nodded and grabbed his plate from the oven and sat down.

"How was your day?" Key asked sitting at the dining table. He signaled for me to come and sit on his lap.

"It was busy. You look tired bae." I lightly chuckled.

"I am. I been at the studio and shop all damn day." Markeyvius sighed. I rubbed his ear. "We gotta talk. It's about Ayla." I told Key.

"What about?" Key asked taking a forkful of spinach from his plate.

"She wants you to spend more time with her, she's getting older and soon she's going to be out with her friends, partying, talking back and disobeying us. Take some time off and spend a day with her, doing something she likes." Markeyvius nodded.

"I know. I've been trying not cut back on work, and spend time with you guys but whenever I do shit come up. Ima spend more time with the kids and you. We haven't had any time for ourselves lately alone, and that need to change."

"I couldn't agree more." I smiled, pecking Key's soft lips.

"Maybe a vacation, how does that sound? The kids get out of school for summer break." Markeyvius suggested.

I thought about it, "that actually is a good idea. I know Jojo wanted to go to Disney World."

"I'll have Reese take care of that." Markeyvius said referring to his travel agent.

Markeyvius finished eating and we went upstairs. I got ready for bed and so did Markeyvius. I sat up in the bed checking my emails while Markeyvius was in the shower.

He came out wrapped in a towel, water dripping from his body. "How about you put that away" Markeyvius said  taking my phone put of my hand, he had a devious smirk on his face. He leaned in and plant soft kisses on my lips.

"please not tonight. I have a busy day tomorrow I do not feel like having sex tonight."

"Ight." Markeyvius pulled away. He looked at me before mumbling something under his breath and going to his side of the bed.

"Baby." No answer.

"Markeyvius, really?" No answer.

"Key, do you seriously have an attitude right now?"

"No, I don't Tiny. Good night." Markeyvius turned his back to me and went to sleep.

him and his damn mood swings 🙄

I put my phone on the charger, turned the light on my nightstand off, and got comfortable under the covers.

- this was a real short chapter. I know y'all been waiting for a long time.

- How do y'all feel about this chapter?

- It took me 29 minutes to write this lol.

- The kids will be getting their own POV's soon. I know y'all tired of just Katori and Markeyvius POVs.

- Oh yeah, happy new year guys. It's 2021!!

- What are you guys' New Year resolutions?

- 01/14/21

- abandoo

Love is Blind • KGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz