First Kiss

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Credit to Billie Eilish! (A.K.A my frickin' IDOL- hhhhhhh- I love you-) This is HER song. The video contains her channel if you open it with YouTube. Anyway, this has nothing to do with the actual story, just a little one-shot-sort-of Helliam moment. Okayyyyyy FunTalkOkByeEnjoyTheThingIGuess-

(Btw this is in the past)


3rd POV

'God, why does he have to be so beautiful...' Henry thought, gazing at William. Currently, they were in William's office, doing paperwork. Henry was really only there to help William if he got stuck on a hard part. "Hey Henry?" William said. "Yeah?" "Why do people insist on printing these out in the most fucking complex way? I can barely understand a single word on this bloody page!" He said, irritated but smiling. Henry chuckled and sat up, "I'll try and De-Code their chicken scratch for you." He said, getting out of his chair to stand behind William, leaning over him and pointing out each complicated word and changing them into simpler ones. The smaller male blushed at the warmth that laid on his back, and smiled softly. 

"That should be it, you need anymore help?" Henry said, standing up completely. "U-Um, nope! That's good, thanks." William said, almost lost in his eyes. Henry took notice to his partners stutter and stepped a bit closer, putting his hand on William's shoulder. "Are you okay?" William paused, contemplating if he should do what he wanted to. "Uh, y-yeah!" William stood up. "Can...Can I do something?" Henry looked at him confused. "Sure...? What is it?" William looked away a little before stepping closer. "Uh, Will.." Henry blushed, looking into William's eyes. "Sorry." William said, stepping closer and pressing his lips against Henry's softly. William closed his eyes and closed the gap between them completely.

Henry's cheeks flushed. He fluttered his eyes closed and wrapped his arms around William's back, pulling him closer. William, shocked, but still enjoying this, made the kiss deeper. Henry smiled and bit William's lower lip, asking for entrance. William opened his mouth slightly, letting him in. 'Great move William! You've only just now kissed the guy you like and it's going to be a frickin' make-out session.' William thought, furrowing his brow as Henry explored him, making sure he never missed a spot.

As heavenly as this was, the need for air became clear and they parted, panting. Henry looked at William's red cheeks and ocean-blue eyes. He smiled. "I guess this means you have a crush on me?" William looked at him with a slightly-embarrassed smile and nodded. Henry chuckled.

"I do too."


That's it for this chapter.

Now my children, the dreaded time for me has come. I will not be able to update as often as I wish I could, because the terrible thing that once haunted me has come back. 


Yes, it is true. It is back for me. (after about two weeks.) So...I will most likely be gone for awhile.

Sorry, I will try to update.

~Lara Kit

Helliam/Willry (William x Henry)Where stories live. Discover now