Crimson stained floors

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Angsttttttttt (just to clarify, yes, they are both dead. But they can still feel pain. They just can't die again.)


Henry and William were laying together on the couch, Henry asleep and William awake on his chest. 

"Come on Willy~ It'll be fun!"

"No it won't. You won't make me hurt anybody anymore."

He smiled.

"Oh I know, but I was thinking...what if I do something to your body instead?"


But William was too late. He was already in control. He stood up, not even acknowledging Henry waking up. "Will?" Henry said, rubbing his eyes. He didn't reply. It wasn't William anymore. He just started to walk into the kitchen. 'Somethings wrong.' Henry thought. He stood up and grabbed "William's" hand. "Are you okay? You're acting weird." He looked up, and stared at Henry with his luminescent purple eyes. Henry gasped and stepped back, accidentally letting go of William. No. This wasn't William. It was Glitchtrap. "Get out of William's body." Henry said, taking a step forward. "Aw, I would...but he disagreed with me. So I'm just gonna try to persuade him a little!~" Henry grabbed his wrist. Glitchtrap shoved Henry away from him and made his way to the knives. 

"NO!" Henry said, trying to run towards him, but he felt a tug on his torso. He looked down. There was some sort of purple wisp holding him back like a long snake wrapping around his waist and arms. Glitchtrap took a knife from a drawer and plunged it straight into William's arm. Henry yelped and yelled at him to stop. He just smiled at Henry and stabbed his other arm. Henry started to cry and struggle, pleading Glitchtrap to stop hurting William. Henry screwed his eyes shut and managed to get an arm free. but when he did, the wisp seeming to squeeze on his torso, getting a cough from Henry. By the time he opened his eyes, Glitchtrap had already added stab wounds to William's legs and hip. He whimpered and cried as Glitchtrap delivered his final blow by plunging the knife into William's chest. He tugged it out, and looked at Henry.

"Bye Henry! It was nice meeting you~" William's eyes suddenly turned back to blue and widened in pain. Henry stumbled out of the wisp's grasp as it faded out. William screamed and fell to the ground, the knife clattering to the crimson-stained floor. "WILLIAM!" Henry yelled, running towards him and helping him to sit up. William jerked his body and coughed violently, blood spitting out of his mouth. Henry could only watch as William's eyes fluttered closed, his body starting to go limp. "William! No no no! Keep your eyes open for me please!" William whimpered and weakly lifted his head, looking at Henry blurrily with tears pouring out of his bloodshot eyes. William put his hand on Henry's and leaned against him, letting himself go limp. "it' o-okay...i'll h-heal...just..stop c-crying for m-me okay...?" William whispered, using his partially bloody hand to wipe away some of Henry's tears. He closed his eyes and passed out.

Henry picked William up and went to the bathroom, trying his best to clean off the blood and patch up the wounds to get them to stop bleeding. He could see trickles of purple creep onto William's skin and start healing the wounds themselves. Henry sighed and cleaned himself off, putting away the supplies he used for William's wounds. He picked William up carefully again and walked into their bedroom, dressing William in different clothes as he laid him down on the bed. Henry pulled the blankets over him and kissed his forehead. "Please get better soon..." Henry whispered, walking out of the room and leaving the door cracked. He sat down on the couch and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. He sighed and closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would get rid of the penetrating silence.




9  h o u r s  l a t e r . . .

"Ugh...w-wha-?" William groaned, sitting up. He looked at the clock beside him and squinted at the blurry numbers. "" He mumbled, clutching his head afterwards. He remembered disagreeing with Glitch-bitch, then he remembered blood and pain. Lots of pain. He looked down at his arms and legs. He was wearing shorts and a T-Shirt, so he could see some small patches of purple on his skin taking care of his bruises. He lifted his hand shakily and removed a bloody patch on his arm. He didn't really need it anymore since it was already healing underneath. But wait who?- William stood up suddenly. 'HENRY!' He thought panicked, worrying if Glitchtrap had hurt him. He attempted to take a step but his right knee nearly collapsed in the process. He gasped and fell backward slightly, grabbing onto the desk beside him messily, knocking over their alarm clock.

William cursed under his breath. Henry burst through the door, looking worried. "WILLIAM!" He shouted, looking at William as he struggled to stand. "William, a-are you okay? You shouldn't even be standing right now-" Henry said, rushing to William's side so he could help him to regain balance and sit down. "I feel...mostly okay. I have a bit of a headache and a few bruises here and there, but it should be fully healed within at least half an hour." William looked at Henry carefully, and saw his puffy eyes and wet cheeks. "Are you okay though? You seem to have been crying." He said, cupping Henry's cheek and rubbing it softly with his thumb, taking his other hand into Henry's. Henry's lip quivered and he wrapped William in his arms tightly. (but not too tightly)

 William could hear choked sobs coming out from his shoulder as Henry buried his head into it. He clutched onto William's shirt tightly and he shivered. "I-I got so s-scared when y-you closed your e-eyes...I was so...terrified when I saw him stabbing you, I knew you would be o-okay because you would heal but it felt just" He hesitated. "Like when I lost Charlie." William tensed and gulped. "W-What do you wanna do?" William said, trying to push away his guilt in order to put Henry first. " be honest...I wanna fucking murder that goddamn piece of glitchy shit." He said, sitting up and smiling. William laughed. "Trust me I've tried multiple times." Henry chuckled and kissed William softly but passionately. He pulled away slightly to the point where their lips were barely touching but they were still very much close. William smiled warmly and giggled as he pulled Henry down onto him and rolled to the side so they were facing each other. Henry chuckled and pecked him on the lips softly. William pulled Henry close so he was facing his chest. He wrapped his arms around William and nuzzled into him. William closed his eyes and held Henry close, focusing on the breathing of his lover and the warmth he gave.

"I love you Will"

"I love you too darling."

Helliam/Willry (William x Henry)Where stories live. Discover now