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Hiya, so it's 3 fuckin AM right now, and I felt like doing something so i'm gonna turn on my music and see what my already dead fingers can do.

(Haha holy shit my brother just came in asking why the fuck I was still awake-)


POV: 3rd

Day: January 5th, 20%#

Current Time: 12:32 AM

Henry stirred awake to the rustling of bed sheets beside him, rubbing his eyes and hauled himself up, looking beside him to see William mumbling beside him "I don't wanna go-" "I'm scared...!" "Please..." "Let me out. Stop...!" "Henry i'm sorry..." The last few words really struck his heart. Henry lifted his lover carefully, cautious not to wake him up. "I'm right here Will, no need to worry. I'll always be here." Henry slowly felt William loosen up, and relax again. Signaling his nightmare was over. For now. Henry laid him and himself back down again, shifting closer as the night went on.

Current Time: 3:15 AM

"Mmmh..." William groaned softly, curling in on himself as he was having another nightmare. "no no no no no no no.....! I-I didn't mean to..." He mumbled again, slightly louder. William shot awake and sat up suddenly, waking up his partner in the process. "NO! no no no no no no-" "Hey! Hey, William listen to me, okay? Nothing is wrong. I'm still here. I'm not gone, I didn't leave you. Just listen to my voice okay? Everything is ok." William steadied his breathing as Henry pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear. "Sorry..." William said, pulling away. "No. We talked about this. You don't need to be sorry for plain emotions." William sighed as Henry pulled him down with him, laying them both down. "Hen you don't have to-" William started, but was interrupted by Henry pulling him in, holding him close to his body. "Sleep." William huffed in defeat and nuzzled into Henry's chest. He drifted off, Having pleasant dreams in place of the nightmares.

Henry stayed awake, one to make sure William had no more nightmares, and,

'You have no idea how much it pains me to know that you think I might leave you.'


*Yawn* yea yea that's it have an awful- I MEan- Wonderful day.

blah blah blah stay weird blah blah blah 


~Lara Kit

Helliam/Willry (William x Henry)Where stories live. Discover now