Chapter 1

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In this AU Lorenzo asked for something else not Magnus' apartment in exchange for the magic. I hope you enjoy this story 🙂

Alec was so relieved Magnus had magic back. Having the magic made Magnus so happy, it was so wonderful to see Magnus smile again. He had missed Magnus' smiles. Though Magnus had told him he got the magic from Lorenzo which made Alec wary. He knew Lorenzo hated Magnus so he didn't trust him.

Magnus had been using magic to clean the loft when suddenly Magnus let out a bloodcurdling scream and collapsed.

"Magnus!" Alec yelled and ran to him. Alec managed to catch Magnus before he hit the floor. Alec was panicking, there was blood pouring out of Magnus' nose and he was unconscious. Alec called Catrina knowing she was a better healer then even the ones at the institute.

"Alec how are-"

"I really need you to come to Magnus' loft. He screamed and collapsed".

Catarina gasped, "I'm coming now". Catarina was glad she was on a break right now. When she arrived at the loft, her heart broke at the sight of Magnus collapsed in Alec's arms and tears streaming down Alec's face. Alec was trying to clean the blood off Magnus' nose.

"Please help him Cat", Alec said desperately.

Catarina nodded and used magic to scan and heal Magnus. "Magnus needs sleep but he will be okay now. However the magic Lorenzo gave him is unstable. Tell Magnus that he can't use magic doctor's orders".

"I knew we couldn't trust Lorenzo. He did this to hurt Magnus, he is going to pay!"

Catarina put her hand on Alec's shoulder and stopped him getting up. "Magnus is already in a lot of trouble with Lorenzo. If you attack him, Lorenzo will take it out on Magnus. And we need him to take the magic back from Magnus or it will kill him".

Alec closed his eyes in defeat realizing she was tight. "But Magnus just got magic back it will break his heart to give it back to Lorenzo".

"I know" Catarina said blinking back tears, "But it is the only way to stop the magic killing Magnus".

"I have to ask Lorenzo for help don't I?" Alec said bitterly.

"I'm sorry Alec, I would do it myself but Lorenzo knows I am Magnus' best friend so he hates me".

"He hates me too", Alec pointed out.

"Lorenzo isn't as cruel as Valentine was, show him how much Magnus means to you and he may still help. Worst case I know Raphael used to be close friends with Lorenzo I bet he has dirt we can use against him".

Alec would much prefer that option, but Lorenzo was in a powerful position and he was afraid he would use it to hurt Magnus more if he didn't try to do this peacefully.

Catarina hugged Alec and she could tell Alec really needed the hug when he melted into her arms. She wondered how touch starved Alec had been growing up. She knew Shadowhunter parents were generally not caring to their children which made her angry.

"You and Magnus will get through this. Call me if you need me".

"Thank you for everything Cat".

Catarina reluctantly left, Magnus and Alec were family to her and she wanted to be there for them. But her break was about to finish so she had to go back.

Alec gently picked Magnus up and carried him to their bedroom. He laid Magnus down and covered him with a blanket. Thankfully it was nearly bed time so they were in pyjamas anyway. Alec wanted to go and talk to Lorenzo now not caring if he was already asleep. But he wanted to watch over Magnus in case he was hurt again and he knew it would make Lorenzo be less likely to help him if he barged in so late at night. 

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