Chapter 7

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Magnus was trying to finish another potion Lorenzo was making him do, he was still mad that Lorenzo was trying to make it seem as though giving him magic that would not kill him was an act of kindness when really it was just so that he could make Magnus his slave forever.

Magnus knew this potion task was given to him only to make sure he wouldn't interrupt Lorenzo and Alec. It made Magnus worry about what Lorenzo was planning on doing with Alec. Even worse he hadn't heard anything from Alec. Alec was meant to text him two hours ago to reassure him he was safe. 

Magnus wanted to march over to Lorenzo's mansion and check on Alec, he didn't care if it would anger Lorenzo. Magnus was about to do that when there was suddenly a loud banging on the door. Magnus used magic to see that it was Jace knocking and he looked very angry. Magnus sighed he really didn't want to see Jace, he probably knew about him erasing Alec's memory. 

But as Jace was usually at the institute anyway Magnus wouldn't be able to avoid him forever. So he felt he should just get it over with. As soon as Magnus opened the door Jace tackled him and punched his nose so hard he broke it. 

"Jace what the hell?" Magnus said angrily and used magic to push Jace off him and heal his nose. 

"How could you erase Alec's memory like that? If it was to protect Alec I would understand, but you did it for your own selfish reasons!"

"I will never forgive myself for what I did, I am trying to make things right with Alexander. I'm giving him time to heal even though I really miss him". 

"Alec likes to come across as a very tough Shadowhunter, but you and I both know he's secretly sensitive and things hurt him more than he allows himself to let on. I knew that from a young age and took advantage of it, don't make the same mistakes I did", Jace said feeling terrible for all the times he had lashed out at Alec knowing he would be able to get away with it, as Alec would hide how upset it made him. 

"I promise I won't hurt him again".

"Don't make a promise you can't keep", Jace said glaring at Magnus. 

Magnus sighed, "Then I promise to try not to hurt him, we will fight sometimes Jace it's part of being a couple. I'm sure you have had fights with Clary. We may not be able to avoid hurting each other, but I will try so hard not to hurt Alec". 

Jace was about to speak but was interrupted when Magnus received a phone call from Alec, he immediately answered it fearing for Alec's safety. 

"Magnus, please help me", Alec said frantically, he had woken up alone in Lorenzo's bedroom. He was lying on his bed with his ankle chained to the bed post. 

Alec had been terrified when he realized all of his clothes had been taken off. He had been knocked out for hours it was now 11pm according to Lorenzo's alarm clock on his bedside table, it made him afraid of what Lorenzo had done to him. He saw his clothes thrown on the floor and as his hands weren't tied he had thankfully been able to put his clothes back on. Lorenzo had tried hiding Alec's phone but he had managed to find it.  

"What's going on, are you still at Lorenzo's mansion?" 

"Yeah, he figured out what we had been doing and he knocked me out". 

"Hang in there I'm coming. Where in his mansion are you?" 

"I'm um in his bedroom". 

Magnus' blood boiled with rage, he understood the implications of that. He knew how obsessed Lorenzo was with Alec. He was going to make Lorenzo pay! "I'll be there in a few minutes", Magnus said and hung up.

"Magnus what's going on?" Jace said anxiously. 

"Alexander is in danger, I need to go and save him". 

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