Chapter 4

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Magnus steeled himself before knocking on Lorenzo's door, he hated that he had to do this. But to save himself from his magic he was willing to do this. Magnus glared at Lorenzo when he opened the door with a smirk. 

"What do you want Bane?"

Magnus rolled his eyes, "You know what I want, let's not play this game". 

"So the great Magnus Bane is asking me for help. If you don't mind I would like to savour this moment". 

Magnus growled, "I do mind, are you going to let me in?"

Lorenzo huffed but stepped aside to let Magnus in, "You seem so sure that I'm going to help you. What makes you think I would?" 

"You want something valuable from me and the only way you'll get it is if you help me", Magnus said with a death glare, "I don't have time for this Lorenzo just tell me what you want". 

"Why do you have to take the fun out of everything?" Lorenzo whined, "Fine, you want to know what I want? I want you're very pretty boyfriend". 

Magnus snarled, "I'm never going to give you Alexander!"

"How about just a few nights with him? I have always wanted to sleep with Alec he's very attractive". 

It took all of Magnus' willpower not to break Lorenzo's nose, "There has to be something else you want, I won't ever give you a night with Alexander. Certainly not against his will". 

"Yet you erased his memory against his will". 

Magnus flinched, "That's different and how did you even know about that?" 

"I have my ways, tell me Magnus are you really not going to give me your whore to save your life? What's more important to you, surviving or your precious boyfriend?" 

Magnus' hands curled into fists and were shaking in his attempts not to punch Lorenzo, "Don't you dare call Alexander a whore! I could never forgive myself if I just sold him to you so that I could live". 

Lorenzo sighed, "Well as much as I hate you Bane, I don't want to see you dead so I will ask for something else. How about the bracelet you're wearing?"

Magnus automatically clutched his bracelet, it was so important because Alec had just given it to him for his birthday. Alec had saved up so much so he could have it custom made for him. Both he and Alec would be so upset if he gave it up, "What about this necklace? "It cost me much more money", Magnus said taking it off to show Lorenzo. 

"That is a tempting offer, but I can tell the bracelet means a lot to you. I bet the shadowhunter gave it to you, so I only want it". 

"Please Lorenzo, it took Alexander so long to get enough money for this, he will be devestated if he finds out I gave it to you. Just take my necklace". There was no point lying about who gave it to him now that Lorenzo had worked it out. He wouldn't believe him if he lied, Lorenzo was too good at reading him. 

"It's either the bracelet or no deal. You already refused me Alec, be grateful I am offering you this deal". 

"You asked for a person that I love, how is that a fair deal? People aren't objects you can trade". 

"That's how you see things not me, what will it be? I don't have all day". 

Magnus close his eyes in defeat, it hurt so much to give the bracelet to Lorenzo. The bracelet was so important that Magnus had worn it every day since his birthday, so Alec was going to notice he wasn't wearing it. He was going to have to come up with a good lie to explain why he wasn't wearing the bracelet.

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