Chapter 5

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Alec had tried to concentrate on work but all he could think about was Magnus. It had been a couple of months since Alec had last seen Magnus. Alec missed him so much but at the same time he didn't want to see him. And it was so frustrating. Alec felt so betrayed that Magnus would use magic against him for his own gain. He knew it was going to take a lot of time for him to heal and if he let himself give in to his desire to see Magnus, he wouldn't be able to heal. 

Though Alec had meant it when he said he would help with Lorenzo, Alec made himself swear that would be the only time he would see Magnus. Lorenzo was being cruel, though he had taken Magnus' magic back he was making life hell for Magnus. He was making Magnus be his personal assistant as an extra charge for taking his magic back. Alec had wanted to do something about it, but Magnus refused his help and had said he could handle it. 

A knock on his office door brought him back to reality, his heart sunk when he saw that it was Raphael and Catarina. He really didn't want to see them either, they had betrayed him too. But he reluctantly let them in. 

Raphael and Catarina shared a look before Raphael spoke, "Magnus told us you know what he did, we are so sorry we didn't tell you". 

Alec looked away, "I thought you were my friends. Why would you keep this from me?" 

"We didn't want to, but we both owe so much to Magnus we felt we couldn't tell you and we are his closest friends", Catarina said guiltily. 

"So is this how it is going to be? You are always going to be on Magnus' side, even when he was the one who hurt me? I would understand if I had hurt him, but what he did to me-" 

"Was so wrong, I know. And we're truly sorry we didn't take your side when we should have". 

"I understand you are loyal to Magnus, but how can I trust you after helped him lie to me?" 

Raphael moved closer to Alec and put his hand on his shoulder, "We want to earn your trust back, whatever it takes Alec. I wasn't trying to play you all this time, I really have enjoyed hanging out with you. I never thought I would consider a Shadowhunter to be a best friend. But that's how I see you Alec". 

"You really think of me as a best friend?" Alec said with a hopeful smile. 

Raphael smiled back, "Yes, I especially enjoyed our food fights". 

Alec laughed for the first time since he found out the truth about what Magnus did. After the fiasco of trying to cook dinner for his mother and Magnus, Alec wanted to learn how to cook. He had realized Magnus had used magic to make it better, which both hurt and warmed him at the same time. He was glad Magnus had helped him to save the dinner but it hurt that he didn't have faith in him. Raphael had been teaching him how to cook which had often lead to food fights. 

"I enjoyed them too". 

"In fact I happen to have some ingredients with me", Raphael said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Before Alec, Raphael didn't really allow himself to relax and have fun, as he was too busy trying to stop Camille taking over his clan. Alec had really changed his life for the better, making Raphael feel worse for betraying him. 

"Don't you dare Raphael", Alec said with a grin automatically trying to raise his hands to protect his face but he wasn't quick enough. Raphael took out some flour and flung a lot of it in Alec's face making him splutter and Catarina burst into a fit of giggles.  

"That's it", Alec said and grabbed flour from the bag to throw it back at Raphael. He managed to land some in his face with his fast Shadowhunter reflexes. Soon enough all three of them were throwing flour at each other, making a complete mess of Alec's office. But for the first time in months Alec was having fun so he didn't care. 

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