Chapter 6

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Alec wasn't looking forward to having to flirt with Lorenzo, just the thought of doing it made his skin crawl after what Lorenzo had put Magnus through. While Alec was still upset with Magnus, that never stopped him from loving Magnus and he hated that Lorenzo had made him think he could have his magic back. Only to ruthlessly take it away by making sure the magic would kill Magnus if he kept it. 

And Lorenzo was making it even worse by making Magnus give up things that were special to him and making him be his personal assistant. Alec had to stop part way to Lorenzo's house to calm himself down as he was getting too angry to pretend to like Lorenzo. When Alec felt he was calm enough he made himself continue walking to Lorenzo's mansion. 

When Alec rang the doorbell Magnus answered the door, he had told Alec this was one of the tasks he had to do. Alec wished he could hug Magnus, but if Lorenzo saw that it would completely ruin the plan. It had been a few weeks, since the night Magnus came to his office and they had hugged. They had spent a few weeks working on their plan, as they needed time to prepare given how smart Lorenzo was.  

During those weeks they had spent more time together, and while Alec wasn't completely ready to resume their relationship he had not stopped Magnus hugging him again. And one night Magnus had gently pulled Alec down to sit on his lap while they cuddled, instead of focusing on their mission. Alec had not jumped off his lap, he allowed Magnus to put his arms around his waist and hold him. Alec was still hurting after what Magnus did, but he missed this so much that he couldn't push Magnus away. 

When Raphael and Catarina had discovered their plan they were not happy about Alec being in danger. But they reluctantly didn't stop them from doing the plan, and agreed to help them keep it a secret so no one would try to stop them. As Alec knew his siblings, Clary and Andrew would try to. When Alec had reluctantly told Izzy, Jace and Clary about Magnus erasing his memory they had been furious and Alec had to stop them attacking Magnus. 

Magnus had to settle for putting his hand reasuringly on Alec's shoulder as he let him in. It took a lot of restraint not to hug Alec comfortingly. He knew it was going to be hard for Alec to do this. "Mr Rey is in the living room, I shall take you to see him now", Magnus said rolling his eyes at having to be so formal making Alec grin and have to stifle a laugh. 

When Magnus took Alec to living room, Lorenzo's eyes widened but he quickly recovered and smirked at Magnus, "Alexander, this is an unexpected pleasure". Though Lorenzo had initially hated Alec as much as he hated Magnus, he had quickly realized that Magnus still loved Alec despite what was happening between them. And at first Lorenzo had threatened Alec only to hurt Magnus, but as he spent more time with Alec in the cabinet meetings he had realized why Magnus loved him. 

Alec was a very attractive man and he was not shy when it came to defending Downworlders. Lorenzo had quickly become obsessed with Alec, he realized he had messed up by making Alec hate him. So he had resolved to make up for it by being polite and try to make Alec love him. He would try the normal way first but he wasn't above using magic to make Alec his. 

Magnus' hands curled into fists, he was the only one allowed to call him Alexander! How dare Lorenzo call him that, he was his Alexander not Lorenzo's. Magnus really wanted to break Lorenzo's nose.

Alec saw Magnus getting angry and quickly spoke before Magnus could say something that would jeopardise the plan. Not that he could blame Magnus for being angry, it felt wrong being called Alexander by Lorenzo. "Likewise, Mr Rey". 

"Please, call me Lorenzo". 

"Lorenzo", Alec said with a nod and forced smile, "I was hoping I could speak to you if you are not busy". 

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