Chapter 2

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Alec used to enjoy his meetings as he felt he was making real progress with the Clave, but lately there had been a lot of attacks on Shadowhunters by some Downworlders who were impatient for change. Alec couldn't blame them after the way they have been treated but this was going too far and derailing the progress he had made. 

Raphael had at least been more willing to recognise that Alec was trying to help Downworlders, though Alec wasn't sure how much of that was to do with himself or Magnus. Lorenzo of course was being difficult as he hated Alec. 

Alec was finding it harder to concentrate on the meetings, he had this feeling that something was wrong. Alec was feeling like something was missing but he couldn't figure out what it was. He had been finding it hard to sleep because of it which was also impacting on his concentration. 

Raphael caught him at the end of the meeting, "I'm sorry about Lorenzo. He used to be a good man I'm not sure what changed". Raphael said sadly remembering good times when he and Lorenzo had been friends. He missed his friend so much.  

"It's okay, I can handle him". 

"Is everything alright? You seem different like something is bothering you". 

It felt strange to see Raphael so concerned about him, they weren't close. And had hated each other after Izzy got addicted to vampire venom. But things had changed, Raphael had become more protective of him. Alec wasn't sure if Magnus had asked Raphael to look out for him or if Raphael had just changed his mind about him. 

Alec shrugged, "I don't know, it just feels like something is off. I keep having this weird feeling that there is something very important that I should know but I can't put my finger on it". 

Raphael froze, he recognized those signs. But surely Magnus wouldn't erase Alec's memory right? Magnus was like a father to him, so he would normally take his side. But if he really had erased Alec's memory he couldn't be on Magnus' side this time. Raphael was tempted to tell Alec his suspicions, but he wanted to give Magnus a chance to explain in case he had a good reason. If it was to make Alec forget hitting him, Alec wouldn't stand a chance against Raphael's rage.  

"I'm sure it's nothing", Raphael said reassuringly,  "I need to go but I will need to talk to you later if that's okay?" 

"Oh um sure", Alec said again finding it odd that Raphael wanted to see him again. 

Raphael used vampire speed to run to Magnus' apartment and banged urgently on the door. He didn't have to wait long for Magnus to open the door. He must have realized it was him because of the wards. 

"Raphael, this is a nice suprise", Magnus said and tried to hug Raphael but he backed away. "What is it?" Magnus asked feeling hurt that Raphael refused his hug. 

Raphael brushed past Magnus and stormed into the loft, "Please tell me you didn't erase Alec's memory!" 

Magnus looked away guiltily, "How did you know?"

"I was concerned about Alec because he was acting different, when I asked him about it he showed the signs. Why would you do this? Did Alec hit you? Because if he did even you can't stop me from killing him". 

Magnus looked up in alarm, "What? No Alexander didn't hit me, I can't believe you think he would". 

"I had to be sure Magnus given what Camille put you through. So why would do this then?"

Magnus sighed and told Raphael the truth about what was happening with his magic, the terrible fights he had been having with Alec and his recent conversation with Catarina. "I was the one who was hurting Alec. I wanted him to forget so that he wouldn't go to Lorenzo to take my magic away and because I felt awful for upsetting him". 

"I can't believe you would do this! Magnus I agree with Cat you have to undo the spell". 

"I can't, I can't risk losing Alexander over this". 

"Listen I love you, but this has gone too far. I will tell Alec myself if you don't undo the spell right now". 

"Raphael please give me time, I'm so close to finding a way to stabilize my magic I just know it". 

"Fine, but this is going to blow up in your face", Raphael said and sped out of the apartment. 

Magnus sighed in frustration, he knew Raphael was right. But things were so much better now that he and Alec weren't fighting. He hated fighting with Alec, it made them both miserable. But they were happy now and Magnus didn't want to ruin that. He went back to his office and continued his search, he was going to work all night if he had to.  

Alec had been doing some paper work when he jumped in fright as Raphael had sped into his office. "Raphael please knock next time", Alec said putting a hand on his racing heart in an attempt to calm down. 

Raphael winced, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. There's something I need to tell you". Raphael tried to tell Alec the truth but he couldn't do it. He had promised Magnus he would give him time and Magnus had done so much for him. He had taken him in when he was a terrified newly turned vampire. 

He knew what Magnus was doing to Alec was wrong but he felt that he would be betraying Magnus' trust if he told Alec. He couldn't do that to the person who had been there for him far more than his actual father. 

"I just wanted to thank you for everything you are doing. I know many of your colleagues are giving you hell for helping us". 

Alec smiled at Raphael, it felt wonderful to be thanked for all the work he had done. It wasn't often that he was thanked, like Raphael said many of his colleagues hated the work he was doing and were cruel to him. His family were too busy with their lives to notice what he was doing and to thank him. 

And most Downworlders felt he wasn't doing enough and that things were happening too slowly. But they didn't understand that Alec was working tirelessly to make change happen, he had often even accidently made himself sick because he was working too much. 

"Thank you Raphael, that means a lot to me". 

"I have given you a hard time in the past and I want to make up for it. Can I take you out to dinner? It took years but I'm able to eat food now". 

Alec raised an eyebrow, "I would love to but I'm with Magnus". 

If Raphael were human his face would be bright red, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean like that, I just meant as friends. Magnus would kill me if I asked you out". 

Alec sighed in relief, he didn't want to ruin this newly formed friendship. "Then yeah that sounds good". 

Raphael grinned, "Great, we could go now. You look like you need a break from all that paper work". 

"I should probably keep working". 

"But you deserve a break". 

Raphael was right, Alec was working himself to the bone. His stomach rumbled making him realize he never had lunch. He wouldn't be able to work on an empty stomach. "Okay let's go".  Alec texted Magnus to let him know he would be coming home later than usual. Magnus texted back telling him to have fun with Raphael. Alec was suprised he didn't ask to come and wondered if he and Raphael were fighting. 

Alec had a surprisingly great time with Raphael, he had tried to pay for his dinner but Raphael insisted on paying. When he got back home he found Magnus in his office. He had fallen asleep with his head resting on a book. Alec gently woke Magnus up, it would hurt in the morning if Magnus slept the whole night in this position. 

"Five more minutes", Magnus complained. 

Alec smiled fondly, "You can go back to sleep soon, it will be more comfy in bed". 

When Magnus showed no signs of getting up, Alec gently carried Magnus again and took him to bed.  

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